Is a Chef Resource that returns a boolean value?

I work with Chef on Windows node and find myself writing a lot of Chef guards for the powershell_script resource. I was wondering if there was a Chef resource that returned a boolean value that I could use here.
Thank you,
David Williams

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David, I have a branch in progress that adds this feature to
powershell_script (if I understand you correctly). See the doc at
it has a link to a branch.

Is this the behavior you’d like to see?

# What if guards evaluated powershell script code that powershell

# evaluates as a boolean type as the actual boolean value of the guard

# itself? You can avoid extra script code to translate the boolean into

# a process exit code that results in the right true / false behavior

# for the guard

powershell_script "set execution policy" do

  code "set-executionpolicy remotesigned"

  not_if "(get-executionpolicy) -eq 'remotesigned'" # Like I barely

left Ruby – wow!


The current workaround for the example above is to use an expression like

powershell -command “exit int32 -eq

in the not_if above. It basically forces the script to convert a Boolean
data type to an integer that is then returned as the process exit code,
which is interpreted by Chef as a Boolean value.


-----Original Message-----
From: David A. Williams []
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2014 7:36 PM
To: Chef users
Subject: [chef] Is a Chef Resource that returns a boolean value?

I work with Chef on Windows node and find myself writing a lot of Chef
guards for the powershell_script resource. I was wondering if there was a
Chef resource that returned a boolean value that I could use here.

Thank you,

David Williams

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