Jenkins, poise-profiler, and trending

So we use Jenkins to do berkshelf automation, knife upload for databags, environments, roles, etc. We’re also expanding this to use kitchen-docker and adding poise-profiler to sum up the execution at the end of the chef run.

Does anyone have a similar setup to this where they then take the poise-profiler output and somehow chart the data so you can compare what grows over time, what gets refactored and sped up, etc? I know Jenkins and Bamboo have some concepts of unit testing to perform after a build and to then run plugin-based analytics on this data, but I’m not sure what tools I should be looking for in this case.


If you set either $CI in the environment or node['CI'] as an attribute, poise-profiler will print out all the same information in JSON. This is designed to be easy to ingest into a database of some kind of graphs and all that jazz :slight_smile:

That’s helpful to know, thanks! Is there a standard tool to consume that kind of data? I haven’t used any before, so this is new territory for me.

Nathan Clemons
DevOps Engineer
Moxie Cloud Services (MCS)

O +1.425.467.5075
M +1.360.861.6291
W www.gomoxie.com

Not that I know of, but if you find something resembling a standard I can probably make it output that format too.

Perhaps jUnit format? That seems to be common from what I’m reading around, it’s basically an XML file:

Nathan Clemons
DevOps Engineer
Moxie Cloud Services (MCS)

O +1.425.467.5075
M +1.360.861.6291
W www.gomoxie.com