I've just thrown together a customised version of the execute
resource, called execute_with_key, and, while it works, I'd like to
know if I'm tackling it the right way, or how else I should be doing
it? Basic premise: it's exactly the same as "execute", but it takes
an extra argument, called "key", which points to the ssh key the
command would like to have available when it runs. It will then run
the command inside an ssh-agent, add that key, then run the command.
Here's my attempt:
class Chef
class Provider
class ExecuteWithKey < Execute
def action_run
if @new_resource.key
@new_resource.command = "ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add #
{@new_resource.key}; #{@new_resource.command}'"
endsuper end end
class Resource
class ExecuteWithKey < Execute
def initialize(name, collection = nil, node = nil)
@key = nil
enddef key(arg = nil) set_or_return(:key, arg, :kind_of => [ String ]) end end
Couple of things:
I ought to be escaping single quotes in the command that's passed in
to avoid trouble; I'll get to that shortly. -
Have I tackled it in the right way? I'm still a little hazy on the
Provider/Resource split, so I'm wondering if I've put things in the
wrong place? -
Have I managed to change the semantics of command in this subclass?
That would be suboptimal because it's meant to behave identically
other than the ssh-agent support.
Graeme Mathieson
Managing Director
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