ChefDK for Freebsd?

Where would I start if I wanted to try and get ChefDK built for FreeBSD?

Here is where I’d start: I’d edit and add a platform for freebsd. Take a look at and copy the appropriate freebsd version platform config. Then from chef-dk/omnibus run kitchen converge for your freebsd platform and that should create a VM with a omnibus build environment where you can build chef-dk.

Have a read of for pointers on getting started with the omnibus build commands.

I’m pretty confident there will be rough spots (ie wont build the first time, but who knows). is the file that “drives” the build. Since chef-client does build for freebsd you might want to look at the equivilent file in the chef repo

Good luck!

I wrote a blog post on what you need to do to do it. It’s not that hard actually.

Thanks everyone, this should get me going.