I’m using the application cookbook for a rails application and it is not
properly generating the database.yml file.
It downloads the application from git, installs it in the right directory,
but without database.yml
Does anybody know what could it be?
Here is my app databag file (note that I’m using an environment called
’integration’ to test it)
“group”: “ubuntu”,
“server_roles”: [“my_app”],
“repository”: “GIT_URL”,
“force”: {
“production”: false
“migrate”: {
“production”: true
“snapshots_to_keep”: {
“production”: “3”
“databases”: {
“integration”: {
“reconnect”: “true”,
“encoding”: “iso-8859-1”,
“adapter”: “mysql2”,
“username”: “USERNAME”,
“database”: “DATABASE”,
“host”: “HOST”,
“password”: “PASSWORD”
“production”: {
“reconnect”: “true”,
“encoding”: “iso-8859-1”,
“adapter”: “mysql2”,
“username”: “USERNAME”,
“database”: “DATABASE”,
“host”: “HOST”,
“password”: “PASSWORD”
“packages”: {
“git”: “”,
“libmysqlclient-dev”: “”
“memcached”: {},
“id”: “my_app”,
“type”: {
“my_app”: [“rails”, “unicorn”]
“revision”: {
“integration”: “master”,
“production”: “production”
“gems”: {
“bundler”: “1.0.21”
“deploy_key”: “”,
“deploy_to”: “/var/apps/my_app”,
“owner”: “ubuntu”
Daniel Cukier
Software Artist