Help with Unknown regexp option error while running Rubocop

I am working on a recipe and am receiving the following error when running rubocop. I’ve attached my code below as well. Thanks in advance for the help.

ws-query-install.rb:44:25: E: unknown regexp options: w
(Using Ruby 2.0 parser; configure using TargetRubyVersion parameter, under AllCops)

 1 directory '/opt/ws-query' do
 2	  owner 'root'
 3	  group 'root'
 4	  mode '0755'
 5	  action :create
 6	end

 7	package 'java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64' do
 8	  action :install
 9	end

10	template '/opt/ws-query/' do
11	  source ''
12	  owner 'root'
13	  group 'root'
14	  mode '0644'
15	end

16	template '/opt/ws-query/ws-query' do
17	  source ''
18	  owner 'root'
19	  group 'root'
20	  mode '0755'
21	end

22	remote_file '/opt/ws-query/ws-query-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar' do
23	  source ''
24	  owner 'root'
25	  group 'root'
26	  mode '0755'
27	  action :create
28	end

29	systemd_unit 'ws-query.service' do
30	  content
31	  [Unit]
32	  Description=Production ws-query

34	  [Service]
35	  Type=simple
36	  User=wsquery
37	  Group=wsquery
38	  WorkingDirectory=/opt/ws-query
39	  ExecStart=/opt/ws-query/
40	  Restart=on-abort
41	  Nice=0
42	  LimitNOFILE=16384

43	  [Install]
45	  EOU

46	  action [:create, :enable]
47	end

Your heredoc for the content is missing the <<-THING at the start, everything after that is interpreted as ruby code