Machine resource

Hi all,

Would anyone know how to pass the bootstrap chef-client version to the
machine resource?
I would like to use the machine resource to provision a machine but it
seems to want to install chef 12 client now.

Also, is there a way to set the ssl_verify_mode with the machine resource?



  1. In the machine's convergence options, you can override the URL to the script (:install_sh_url, default: and use a custom script instead to
    force the version. You could also override the :install_sh_path option to
    be something like "/tmp/ -v 11.16.8" but that may not work
    forever. Finally, you could use an image that already has the chef-client
    version you prefer installed and chef-provisioning won't do a chef-client
    installation. The code that installs the chef client in most cases is in
  2. If the chef server URL is an https url, the ssl_verify_mode is
    :verify_peer. Otherwise it is :verify_none. That's all the control you
    get. (You can see the code for this in

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 8:26 AM, Mark Pimentel

Hi all,

Would anyone know how to pass the bootstrap chef-client version to the
machine resource?
I would like to use the machine resource to provision a machine but it
seems to want to install chef 12 client now.

Also, is there a way to set the ssl_verify_mode with the machine resource?



Justin Dossey
Practice Owner
New Context Services, Inc