Packaging chef tools

Nothing prevents you from getting the script and use it internally, as for the packages and serve them internally. (which solves your last point too)

Interesting approach, installing chef repo with chef in order to install chef :stuck_out_tongue:

I do hope you're managing your packages version better than just getting latest versions, specially for the chef-client, hence the point of using a cookbook to pinpoint the version.

It is just easier to have the same command on any machine provisonning IMO, the script just guess the machine type to get the proper package, if you want to get rid of it just see the page I linked from the documentation to get the proper package with a single curl call.

This is the only valid concern thus far and it should be doable, see this post about apt-cacher-ng.

And for the repo on itself, just see the documentation and tell us what does not work with that.

Excerpt from the doc:

To set up an Apt package repository for Debian and Ubuntu platforms:

Enable Apt to fetch packages over HTTPS:

$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
Install the public key for Chef Software Inc:

$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
Create the Apt repository source file: [...]

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