Using node attributes in resource definitions

We use an application provider that defines and creates all of our applications’ directories and such which are then saved on the node. If we try and use these attributes in a recipe prior to the node converging at least once, we get an undefined method error when trying to do anything like the following:

application ‘appname’ do


mount node[:applications][:appname][:releasepath] do


Is there a way to defer evaluation of the mount path or any other resource?

Put that resource in one of the application callbacks :slight_smile:


On Nov 26, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Daniel Condomitti wrote:

We use an application provider that defines and creates all of our applications' directories and such which are then saved on the node. If we try and use these attributes in a recipe prior to the node converging at least once, we get an undefined method error when trying to do anything like the following:

application 'appname' do


mount node[:applications][:appname][:releasepath] do

Is there a way to defer evaluation of the mount path or any other resource?