the past few days I have been banging my head to the wall to solve a weird
ssh problem,
finally I found out chef creates all the links with permission 777 ( which
no decent SELinux would be happy with that)
so why link resource doesn't have permission mode in it ? is Chef open to
PullRequest if someone wants to add it ?
the past few days I have been banging my head to the wall to solve a weird
ssh problem,
finally I found out chef creates all the links with permission 777 ( which
no decent SELinux would be happy with that)
so why link resource doesn't have permission mode in it ?
If I understand you correctly, you want to change the permission mode of a
symlink. You can use the mode attribute for that:
link '/...' do
to '...'
mode '0700'
is Chef open to PullRequest if someone wants to add it ?