When using hab pkg export tar
on a OS X 0.56.0 studio hab attempts to export the 0.55.0 core/hab package.
[5][default:/src:1]# hab pkg export tar results/ncr_devops_platform-rundeck-2.11.3-20180614151220-x86_64-linux.hart
∵ Missing package for core/hab-pkg-export-tar/0.56.0
» Installing core/hab-pkg-export-tar/0.56.0
☁ Determining latest version of core/hab-pkg-export-tar/0.56.0 in the 'stable' channel
↓ Downloading core/hab-pkg-export-tar/0.56.0/20180531000204
2.21 MB / 2.21 MB / [=============================================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00 % 3.30 MB/s
☛ Verifying core/hab-pkg-export-tar/0.56.0/20180531000204
→ Using core/acl/2.2.52/20170513213108
→ Using core/attr/2.4.47/20170513213059
→ Using core/bash/4.3.42/20170513213519
→ Using core/coreutils/8.25/20170513213226
→ Using core/findutils/4.4.2/20170513214305
→ Using core/gawk/4.1.3/20170513213646
→ Using core/gcc-libs/5.2.0/20170513212920
→ Using core/glibc/2.22/20170513201042
→ Using core/gmp/6.1.0/20170513202112
→ Using core/grep/2.22/20170513213444
→ Using core/gzip/1.6/20170513214605
↓ Downloading core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925
↓ Downloading core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925
↓ Downloading core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925
↓ Downloading core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925
↓ Downloading core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925
✗✗✗ We tried 5 times but could not download core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925. Giving up.
We’re running a private depot with an upstream configured for the public depot. 0.55.0 isn’t present- the better question, I think, is why is it insisting on core/hab/0.55.0?
Let me know if I can provide any other info. I’ll be setting up a build server later today on a centos 7.2 build so we’ll see if the same problem is encountered there.