0.56.0 tar exporter packaging 0.55.0 core/hab package

When using hab pkg export tar on a OS X 0.56.0 studio hab attempts to export the 0.55.0 core/hab package.

[5][default:/src:1]# hab pkg export tar results/ncr_devops_platform-rundeck-2.11.3-20180614151220-x86_64-linux.hart 
∵ Missing package for core/hab-pkg-export-tar/0.56.0
» Installing core/hab-pkg-export-tar/0.56.0
☁ Determining latest version of core/hab-pkg-export-tar/0.56.0 in the 'stable' channel
↓ Downloading core/hab-pkg-export-tar/0.56.0/20180531000204
    2.21 MB / 2.21 MB / [=============================================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00 % 3.30 MB/s  
☛ Verifying core/hab-pkg-export-tar/0.56.0/20180531000204
→ Using core/acl/2.2.52/20170513213108
→ Using core/attr/2.4.47/20170513213059
→ Using core/bash/4.3.42/20170513213519
→ Using core/coreutils/8.25/20170513213226
→ Using core/findutils/4.4.2/20170513214305
→ Using core/gawk/4.1.3/20170513213646
→ Using core/gcc-libs/5.2.0/20170513212920
→ Using core/glibc/2.22/20170513201042
→ Using core/gmp/6.1.0/20170513202112
→ Using core/grep/2.22/20170513213444
→ Using core/gzip/1.6/20170513214605
↓ Downloading core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925
↓ Downloading core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925
↓ Downloading core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925
↓ Downloading core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925
↓ Downloading core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925
✗✗✗ We tried 5 times but could not download core/hab/0.55.0/20180321220925. Giving up.

We’re running a private depot with an upstream configured for the public depot. 0.55.0 isn’t present- the better question, I think, is why is it insisting on core/hab/0.55.0?

Let me know if I can provide any other info. I’ll be setting up a build server later today on a centos 7.2 build so we’ll see if the same problem is encountered there.

This appears to be a bug in our release process. I’m pretty sure if you built the exporter in your studio and ran it you’d get the right version. It looks like we’re pulling the latest stable hab as a dependency of the tar exporter.

Interesting. Would a rebuild and promotion to stable for the exporter fix the issue until the next release?

I think it would. Unfortunately all of our exporters are tied to the hab release which means we can’t release them out of band. We do have plans to split them out .

Does this warrant a github issue?

Probably so - I’d say it’s most definitely a bug