Has chef-0.7.6 been pulled from the gem repository at http://gems.opscode.com/
for a particular reason?
Graeme Mathieson
Managing Director
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On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Graeme Mathiesonmathie@woss.name wrote:
Has chef-0.7.6 been pulled from the gem repository at
http://gems.opscode.com/ for a particular reason?
To quote Joshua's mail posted yesterday:
--- snip ---
For now the 0.7.6 gems have been pulled from gems.opscode.com and we
will be releasing Chef 0.7.8 later today which will fix the issues.
Summary of the attributes-related issues:
CHEF-473 - Attributes don't set correctly using ||=
CHEF-477 - Walking deeply nested attributes with .each w/o defaults or
overrides causes exception
CHEF-479 - Wrong saved names in attributes
--- snap ---
There's your reason.
Cheers, Mathias
http://paperplanes.de | http://holgarific.net
On 11 Aug 2009, at 18:42, Mathias Meyer wrote:
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Graeme Mathiesonmathie@woss.name
Has chef-0.7.6 been pulled from the gem repository at
http://gems.opscode.com/ for a particular reason?
To quote Joshua's mail posted yesterday:
Well spotted, thanks.
I must have read it before ingesting coffee
this morning.