Accessing a Private S3 bucket from a Chef Recipe

Hello All,

I’m trying to figure out a way to access a private AWS S3 bucket from a Chef recipe. Does anyone have any ideas on the standard way to do this?

Thank you for your help,


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This exists, and works well for us: GitHub - adamsb6/s3_file: Pure Ruby Chef LWRP for pulling files from S3

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 10:42 AM, David A. Williams dwilliams@daxko.comwrote:

Hello All,

I'm trying to figure out a way to access a private AWS S3 bucket from a
Chef recipe. Does anyone have any ideas on the standard way to do this?

Thank you for your help,


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you want to use s3 objects as a resource, or for other purposes? you can
use aws-sdk gem to query s3 directly from your recipe. also there are
several cookbooks like s3file, s3cmd that will allow you to download/upload
objects as a chef resource.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 7:42 AM, David A. Williams dwilliams@daxko.comwrote:

Hello All,

I'm trying to figure out a way to access a private AWS S3 bucket from a
Chef recipe. Does anyone have any ideas on the standard way to do this?

Thank you for your help,


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communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply
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original message. Thank you.

On 4/24/14, 7:43 AM, Brian Hatfield wrote:

This exists, and works well for us: GitHub - adamsb6/s3_file: Pure Ruby Chef LWRP for pulling files from S3

Also this:

And this aws cookbook has aws_s3_file:


Example of creating AWS S3 bucket in chef recipe:

aws = data_bag_item('aws', 'main')chef_gem 'aws-s3'
require 'aws/s3'

AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!(:access_key_id =>
aws['aws_access_key_id'], :secret_access_key =>

Read aws-s3 gem docs, to do other things with AWS S3.


On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 11:36 PM, Lamont Granquist lamont@opscode.comwrote:

On 4/24/14, 7:43 AM, Brian Hatfield wrote:

This exists, and works well for us: GitHub - adamsb6/s3_file: Pure Ruby Chef LWRP for pulling files from S3

Also this:

And this aws cookbook has aws_s3_file:

Konstantin Lysenko
Infrastructure Developer
Atalanta Systems Ltd

Atalanta Systems: The Agile Infrastructure Enablers