Any good resource||post on how to get-started and create a LWRP?


Since the rage is towards making a LWRP instead of definitions macros, I also want to start.

But the problem is I couldn’t find any good resource or posts to get started and build one off that.

Do anybody have any idea?

~ Sachin Sagar Rai
Ruby on Rails Developer
Sent with Sparrow (

Hi Sachin,

well I've just written a simple LWRP for the apt cookbook to enable apt
pinning and based my work on the already existing (apt)resource LWRP.
Might help if you look at the actual code which's not much:

I also read the following two pages from the wiki:

Joshua Timberman's slides might also help although I didn't read them
thoroughly (is the talk available somewhere?):


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:15 PM, Sachin Sagar Rai millisami@gmail.comwrote:


Since the rage is towards making a LWRP instead of definitions macros, I
also want to start.

But the problem is I couldn't find any good resource or posts to get
started and build one off that.

Do anybody have any idea?

~ Sachin Sagar Rai
Ruby on Rails Developer
Sent with Sparrow

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On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Sachin Sagar Rai wrote:

Since the rage is towards making a LWRP instead of definitions macros, I
also want to start.

But the problem is I couldn't find any good resource or posts to get started
and build one off that.

We have a section on building an LWRP in an upcoming release of our
training materials:

The example is contrived, but illustrative. I delivered this to a
training group a couple weeks ago and it was well received.

I have a slightly different version that is more narrative similar to
a blog post or a guide, but I haven't cleaned it up and posted it yet.

Opscode, Inc
Joshua Timberman, Technical Program Manager
IRC, Skype, Twitter, Github: jtimberman

For a simple one I think the supervisor cookbook is great:

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Joshua Timberman wrote:


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Sachin Sagar Rai wrote:

Since the rage is towards making a LWRP instead of definitions macros, I
also want to start.

But the problem is I couldn't find any good resource or posts to get started
and build one off that.

We have a section on building an LWRP in an upcoming release of our
training materials:

The example is contrived, but illustrative. I delivered this to a
training group a couple weeks ago and it was well received.

I have a slightly different version that is more narrative similar to
a blog post or a guide, but I haven't cleaned it up and posted it yet.

Opscode, Inc
Joshua Timberman, Technical Program Manager
IRC, Skype, Twitter, Github: jtimberman