At OneHealth, we have been running our own fork of the apache2 cookbook in
production since last year that added support for Apache 2.4 release and
improvements in configuring SSL.
As you may or may not know in early April, my company OneHealth Solutions
took over maintenance of the apache2 cookbook. We have a lot of interest in
simplifying the cookbook into more of a library cookbook focused on the
core apache2 web server as provided by the ASF incorporating their best
practices across all platforms.
To incorporate apache 2.4 support required a lot of changes* in the core
package itself, but most package builders also took this as a chance to
make significant changes to the way the packages are configured and build.
On our fork, we were primarily concerned with Ubuntu LTS and less so on
other platforms. For the community version, we wanted to make sure we had
chefspec and serverspec integration tests in place to ensure we were
delivering a quality cookbook that tests beyond our own needs.
Currently, we plan to do one more release with the tests included followed
by the release a major version with apache 2.4 support. We would appreciate
some feedback on our apache 2.4 work.
Please try out the COOK-3900
https://github.com/onehealth-cookbooks/apache2/tree/COOK-3900 branch and
file github issues with anything you may find.
You can also find us on https://gitter.im/onehealth-cookbooks/apache2 if
you would like to chat in more real time.
Current thoughts on a road map is as follows:
- v1.11 - update with latest test framework and minor bug fixes
- v2.0 - major update with apache 2.4 support
- v2.1 - minor update with SSL improvements, close out any Opscode
JIRA tickets - v3 and beyond - splitting out non-standard modules into their own
cookbooks, definitions to LWRPs, etc.
We would love to hear your thoughts.
– Sander