Automate 2 version 20190827222442 Released!

We are delighted to announce the availability of version 20190827222442 of Chef Automate 2.

Bug Fixes

  • Unblocked: Fixed results that were incorrectly reported as zero when filtering by scan job or profile event type in the Event Feed.
  • All Clear: Solved a bug where long certificate chains for external PostgreSQL might be erroneously rejected.
  • Decreased Static: Reduced some cases where PostgreSQL connection closings resulted in noisy log messages.

How to Upgrade

By default Chef Automate 2 will automatically upgrade to this new version. If you have disabled automatic upgrades you can manually initiate an upgrade by running:

chef-automate upgrade run

As always, we welcome your feedback and invite you to contact us directly or share your feedback online. Thanks for using Chef Automate 2!