Oh, sorry — the wrapper automation makes use of environment variables for that stuff (e.g. AWS_SECRET_KEY etc.) — it’s not needed in the driver definition and we try and keep that stuff at least slightly secure…
From: Jeff Byrnes <jeff@evertrue.commailto:jeff@evertrue.com>
Reply-To: "chef@lists.opscode.commailto:chef@lists.opscode.com" <chef@lists.opscode.commailto:chef@lists.opscode.com>
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 10:12 AM
To: "chef@lists.opscode.commailto:chef@lists.opscode.com" <chef@lists.opscode.commailto:chef@lists.opscode.com>
Subject: [chef] Re: Re: Re: AWS Spot instances for Integration-Testing Cookbooks on Github
Ok! Sorry this took so long to get back to. Here’s the slides from our presentation back in Sept: http://evertrue.github.io/test-kitchen-travis-slides/
You can refer to these two cookbooks (one was done live during the preso) to guide you on how we set this up using EC2 & Travis:
Most pertinent is the .travis.yml & .kitchen.cloud.yml (which we force Test Kitchen to use by way of a Rake task).
Tara’s config, below, is very similar to ours, though clearly Jenkins-centric.
Bear in mind that kitchen-ec2, you’ll need to use the current HEAD of the Git repo (see this changesethttps://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/compare/v0.8.0...master for details on what’s missing from the current published release, v0.8.0). Hopefully they’ll cut a new version soon, but we use the bleeding edge version right now & it’s solid.
Tara, I’m curious, how did you get around the need for the AWS API keypair in your Test Kitchen config?
Jeff Byrnes
Lead DevOps Engineer
On October 28, 2014 at 12:28:13 PM, Tara Hernandez (tara.hernandez@lithium.commailto:tara.hernandez@lithium.com) wrote:
Here’s a sample of kitchen files we use for ec2 provisioning, now that you’ve found that driver (we have wrapper automation that fills in those env vars, obviously)
name: ec2
ssh_key: <%= ENV[‘SSH_KEY_FILE’] %>
aws_ssh_key_id: <%= ENV[‘AWS_SSH_KEY_ID’] %>
region: us-west-1
availability_zone: <%= ENV[‘AWS_ZONE’] %>
require_chef_omnibus: true
subnet_id: <%= ENV[‘AWS_SUBNET’] %>
security_group_ids: ‘<%= ENV[‘AWS_SEC_GROUP’] %>’
flavor_id: ‘t1.micro’
name: chef_solo
From: Torben Knerr <mail@tknerr.demailto:mail@tknerr.de>
Reply-To: "chef@lists.opscode.commailto:chef@lists.opscode.com" <chef@lists.opscode.commailto:chef@lists.opscode.com>
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 12:32 AM
To: "chef@lists.opscode.commailto:chef@lists.opscode.com" <chef@lists.opscode.commailto:chef@lists.opscode.com>
Subject: [chef] Re: AWS Spot instances for Integration-Testing Cookbooks on Github
Weeeee, just found there is a kitchen-ec2 driver, and it has support for spot instances… neat!
Am 28.10.2014 08:24 schrieb “Torben Knerr” <mail@tknerr.demailto:mail@tknerr.de>:
Hi everybody,
having some cookbooks hosted on Github and using kitchen-ci for
integration-testing them, I would like to have the kitchen-ci tests
run on every commit / push.
With travis-ci (which I’m using for foodcritic / chefspec) this does
not work unfortunately, since it prohibits creation of nested
So I’m now considering to spin up an AWS spot instance during the
travis-ci build to run the integration tests on.
Anyone doing this already?
Any pointers or suggestions to get me kick-started are heartily welcome