I am writing a recipe like below. The “template” resource is only used for some scenarios but service resource is quite common and used in all scenarios.
template “/opt/splunk/etc/system/local/server.conf” do
notifies :restart, ‘service[splunk]’, :delayed
service ‘splunk’ do
supports status: true, restart: true, reload: true
action :nothing
What is the best practice to reuse “service” resource and meanwhile, also have flexibility to use “template” resource according to the scenario? There seems to be several options
a) create a flag variable, and add a “only_if” line in “template” block to check the flag variable, then determine to run “template” or not.
b) take “service” out and put it into a new common recipe. The recipe which has needs to restart service would use “include_recipe” to reuse “service” resource.
c) put “template” and “service” into different recipes. The top recipe uses “include_recipe” to add one of them, or both of them in. But it may lead to problem that how to make “template” in a recipe manage to notify “service” in another recipe.
Any advice about it?