Best strategy for node location in Chef-solo - Synching chef-solo-search - Knife-solo - Vagrant - chef?


Chef-solo-search[1] by @edelight has support for node search support by
putting it in databags/nodes.

Knife-solo[2] by @matshaffer stores nodes not in databags/nodes but in
the nodes directory at the top level

Vagrant has support for databags_path and role_path and auto shares in
the guest if configured.
Chef-solo only has support for databag_path and role_path

I’m wondering if we can coordinate this? Some options I see:

  • introduce chef-solo node_path config parameter (has to be @opscode
    o if yes we can patch vagrant, knife-solo and chef-solo-search,
    still lives the question for the default location
  • no specific config in chef-solo :
    o either keep it in databags/nodes
    + auto works with vagrant
    + knife-solo people have to adapt (or symlink) or look in an
    additional path
    o either keep it in nodes
    + chef-solo-search have to adapt (or symlink) or look in an
    additional path

Happy to supply patches, if we can have consensus on this.


FYI - Recently I added role support to chef-solo-search ,
this opens up cookbooks that make of this possible on solo projects
(like the nagios cookbook).

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -

I would opt for a top-level nodes directory as in knife-solo. Nodes
are not databags.

Are there any plans to incorporate search into Chef-solo officially?
That seems to be a quite usefule and often requested feature?


On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 5:06 PM, Patrick Debois wrote:


Chef-solo-search[1] by @edelight has support for node search support by
putting it in databags/nodes.

Knife-solo[2] by @matshaffer stores nodes not in databags/nodes but in the
nodes directory at the top level

Vagrant has support for databags_path and role_path and auto shares in the
guest if configured.
Chef-solo only has support for databag_path and role_path

I'm wondering if we can coordinate this? Some options I see:

introduce chef-solo node_path config parameter (has to be @opscode

if yes we can patch vagrant, knife-solo and chef-solo-search, still lives
the question for the default location

no specific config in chef-solo :

either keep it in databags/nodes

auto works with vagrant
knife-solo people have to adapt (or symlink) or look in an additional path

either keep it in nodes

chef-solo-search have to adapt (or symlink) or look in an additional path

Happy to supply patches, if we can have consensus on this.


FYI - Recently I added role support to chef-solo-search ,
this opens up cookbooks that make of this possible on solo projects (like
the nagios cookbook).

[1] - GitHub - edelight/chef-solo-search: Data bag search for Chef Solo
[2] - GitHub - matschaffer/knife-solo: DEPRECATED: Please consider using, ansible, or visit for other ideas
[3] -