Bootstrap core packages

i am trying to bootstrap core packages , but getting below errors . tried in multiple ways . but still no luck
why we need core packages first of all ?

bulkupload method"
on-prem-builder-master]# hab pkg bulkupload --url https://{on-prem-builder}/ --channel stable builder_bootstrap/
» Preparing to upload artifacts to the 'stable' channel on https://{on-prem-builder}/
→ Using builder_bootstrap/artifacts for artifacts and builder_bootstrap/keys for signing keys
→ Found 46 artifact(s) for upload.
:cloud: Discovering origin names from local artifact cache
✓ Origin 'chef' already exists
✓ Origin 'core' already exists
✓ Origin 'effortless' already exists
75 B / 75 B | [================================================================================================================================] 100.00 % 1.88 MB/s
✗✗✗ [405 Method Not Allowed]
✗✗✗ 405 Not Allowed

405 Not Allowed


sync packages:

scripts]# ./ sync-packages https://{on-prem-builder-ip} base-plans
Installing git from Habitat package.
» Installing core/git
:cloud: Determining latest version of core/git in the 'stable' channel
→ Using core/git/2.23.0/20191203153351
★ Install of core/git/2.23.0/20191203153351 complete with 0 new packages installed.
Installing curl from Habitat package.
» Installing core/curl
:cloud: Determining latest version of core/curl in the 'stable' channel
→ Using core/curl/7.67.0/20191203153051
★ Install of core/curl/7.67.0/20191203153051 complete with 0 new packages installed.
Installing jq from Habitat package.
» Installing core/jq-static
:cloud: Determining latest version of core/jq-static in the 'stable' channel
→ Using core/jq-static/1.6/20190703002933
★ Install of core/jq-static/1.6/20190703002933 complete with 0 new packages installed.
Installing b2sum from Habitat package.
» Installing core/coreutils
:cloud: Determining latest version of core/coreutils in the 'stable' channel
→ Using core/coreutils/8.30/20190115012313
★ Install of core/coreutils/8.30/20190115012313 complete with 0 new packages installed.
Cloning into '/tmp/tmp.WhzrHqIAYS/core-plans'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3326, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3326/3326), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2733/2733), done.
remote: Total 3326 (delta 592), reused 2206 (delta 433), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3326/3326), 11.14 MiB | 8.84 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (592/592), done.
Cloning into '/tmp/tmp.WhzrHqIAYS/windows-service'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 17, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
remote: Total 17 (delta 1), reused 8 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (17/17), done.
Cloning into '/tmp/tmp.WhzrHqIAYS/habitat'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2048, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2048/2048), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1786/1786), done.
remote: Total 2048 (delta 191), reused 1126 (delta 103), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (2048/2048), 37.80 MiB | 9.16 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (191/191), done.

Uploading keys to https://{on-prem-builder}

[1/21] Uploading ./
» Uploading public origin key ./
↑ Uploading ./
75 B / 75 B | [================================================================================================================================] 100.00 % 1.18 MB/s
↑ Uploading ./
75 B / 75 B | [================================================================================================================================] 100.00 % 1.36 MB/s
↑ Uploading ./
75 B / 75 B | [================================================================================================================================] 100.00 % 1.38 MB/s
↑ Uploading ./
75 B / 75 B | [================================================================================================================================] 100.00 % 1.59 MB/s
↑ Uploading ./
75 B / 75 B | [================================================================================================================================] 100.00 % 1.45 MB/s
↑ Uploading ./
75 B / 75 B | [================================================================================================================================] 100.00 % 1.33 MB/s
✗✗✗ Upload failed: We tried 5 times but could not upload core/20160612031944 public origin key. Giving up.
Cleaning up.

Hi prashi89,
hab pkg bulkupload is now the preferred way to bootstrap an on-prem Builder instance. The script has been deprecated.

With regard to the HTTP 405 error, I saw in one of your previous posts that you are utilizing a Builder installed via Chef Automate. If that is the case, you will need to append /bldr/v1 onto the url, ie. --url Also, I happened to notice from the cli output that the hab version you are using is a little bit older. Our latest versions of hab are more efficient and hence speedier uploading packages.

We are working to make this situation (using a different url for public Builder or Automate installed version) easier for our users and will be releasing something soon. Please stay tuned! :grinning:

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Hi Jeremy
you are correct . i can use the url you mentioned . but i am getting difficulty in using old version of hab, same as you mention . if i use old version of hab and doing bulkupload it is giving below error
:cloud: Discovering origin names from local artifact cache
✗✗✗ Unrecognized archive format (libarchive err_code=84)

i try to upgrade the hab cli . but no luck . if i upgrade hab cli , this particular service "chef/deployment-service/0.1.0/20200127203210 " is not able to start.

so any correct process to upgrade hab cli ?

That is an odd development with the older hab version because you were able to get further along with the bulkupload earlier. Now it appears to be unable to decompress one of the .hart files, which it didn’t encounter before. This indicates to me that the builder_bootstrap directory has somehow become polluted or tainted since the contents were first downloaded. Regardless of which version of hab is in use, you will have to resolve this issue first.

What happens if you remove this directory and start over with a fresh download|bulkupload of a minimal package set such as this one:

Thanks again jeremy , i am able to do download and upload now . I just did redo

But any idea what is the correct process to upgrade hab cli . How can i make deployment service to be up after hab cli upgrade

Glad to hear that your issue is resolved prashi89! :+1:

Typically, Automate installation manages its own version of hab and hab-sup for the system(s) on which it is installed. If you wish to utilize different versions for bootstrapping or service management, you would likely need to find alternate system(s) to do that on so that it doesn't interfere with the version(s) required for Automate.

Thank you so much for help and thanks for right solutions