Hi Chef Experts,
I’m working on a lightweight provider that should restart an external
service. However for some reason I’m finding it impossible to notify the
service from within the provider. One of the community modules -
supervisord - displays the issue but I’ve boiled it down to a simple
example for discussion here.
Let’s say we have a cookbook called provider_resource_test.
We have a default recipe:
Cookbook Name:: provider_resource_test
Recipe:: default
Copyright 2014, Picsolve Ltd.
All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute
service "my-service-name”
…and a resource
actions :create, :delete
attribute :name, :kind_of => String, :name_attribute => true
def initialize(*args)
@action = :create
…and a lightweight provider:
action :create do
directory “/tmp/dir_#{new_resource.name}” do
notifies :reload, "service[my-service-name]"
action :delete do
nothing required
Finally I define a simple recipe that will use the resource:
Cookbook Name:: provider_resource_test
Recipe:: use_it
Copyright 2014, Picsolve Ltd.
All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute
provider_resource_test_thing “an_instance_of_thing"
I try to instantiate this on a node by setting the following json
root@resourcetest:~# cat /etc/chef/attribs.json
“run_list”: [“recipe[provider_resource_test]”,
I do a chef-client run and it invariably bails out with the following error:
[2014-03-19T16:41:28+00:00] ERROR:
(provider_resource_test::use_it line 11) had an error:
Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound: resource
directory[/tmp/dir_an_instance_of_thing] is configured to notify
resource service[my-service-name] with action reload, but
service[my-service-name] cannot be found in the resource collection.
directory[/tmp/dir_an_instance_of_thing] is defined in
`block in class_from_file’
I have tried specifying the service directly with:
notifies :reload, “service[my-service-name]”
…and also by trying to resolve it with a resource() call.
Needless to say use_inline_resources is present at the top of the
provider file though I’ve tried without it as well.
I’m running chef-client 11.10.4 and a similarly recent Chef server. I
can post debug output from the chef-client run if it’s wanted, just
don’t want to spam the list on my first post.
I’ve been stumped with this for days so I’d very much appreciate some
advice: why can’t I notify a service from within a provider?
Alex Hewson