Cannot use library method inside resource. How to fully qualify?

Using a library helper method inside a resource code block leads to a NoMethodError:

  undefined method `vra_icd_environment' for Chef::Resource::PowershellScript
  Relevant File Content:
  114:  powershell_script 'Run_itcam_account_script' do
  115:      code <<-EOH
  116:      Set-Location #{node['itcam']['win-tmp-folder-name']}
  117>>     .\\#{node['itcam']['account-script']} #{vra_icd_environment}
  118:      EOH
  119:      returns [0, 1]
  120:  end

I tried several ways to qualify the method, to no avail

  undefined method `vra_icd_environment' for VraItm::Helper:Module
  117>>     .\\#{node['itcam']['account-script']} #{VraItm::Helper::vra_icd_environment}
  undefined method `vra_icd_environment' for VraItm::Helper:Module
  117>>     .\\#{node['itcam']['account-script']} #{VraItm::Helper.vra_icd_environment}

I had to assign the method return value to a local variable and use that variable inside the resource block. I'd like to do away with this intermediate step.

Is is possible to reference a cookbook library helper method inside a resource block?