Changing runlist of an active node

Hi all,
Maybe a dumb question :slight_smile: I did this:

  1. Bootstrap node, setting run list
  2. knife node run_list add ‘role[provider]’
  3. ssh into the node, ‘sudo chef-client’

It complained that the recipe for ‘provider’ didn’t exist on the node.

What’s the right way to do this? I can run bootstrap again (with the
complete run list) but that seems heavy-handed: reinstalling Chef etc. What
am I missing?


Are the 'role[provider]' and it's run_list recipes published to Chef Server?
Show full exception, please.

On Dec 3, 2012, at 7:09 AM, Steve Bennett wrote:

Hi all,
Maybe a dumb question :slight_smile: I did this:

  1. Bootstrap node, setting run list
  2. knife node run_list add 'role[provider]'
  3. ssh into the node, 'sudo chef-client'

It complained that the recipe for 'provider' didn't exist on the node.

What's the right way to do this? I can run bootstrap again (with the complete run list) but that seems heavy-handed: reinstalling Chef etc. What am I missing?


Vladimir Girnet
Infrastructure Engineer
Tacit Knowledge