Chef-client , apply role

is there a way to run:

chef-client -o “role[abc]”

that is, to apply a role without running the entire run_list ?

this should not be ephemeral and have little effect… it should cause all the
results that having the role in the real run_list would have, update the
chef-server with attributes in a persistent way and everything else. I
would also add the role to the real run_list . But I don’t want to run all
recipes on the client at that moment.

If you don't run the entire run_list, you may be missing attributes that
should be needed during the chef-client run. As an example, if your
run_list were 'wrapper' cookbooks (that contain attributes, and then call
other cookbooks), if you had any dependency on those attributes (such as
"what data center is this node in?", "is this node dev, ref or prod?",
"what service is this node providing?", etc) you wouldn't have access to

I'd suggest that there's likely something interesting you're trying to do,
but the way you're trying to go about it will cause more headaches down the
road than you think and there is likely a better way to go about what
you're wanting to do. If you want to simply update node attributes, knife
node edit is one way (though not the easiest to automate). A quick google
search shows 'knife-set-attribute' at
GitHub - amian84/knife-set-attribute: Knife set_attribute is a plugin to knife to change attributes values in your nodes may be another way (though
I've not used it, so YMMV).

But these are still methods of changing the model on the chef server and
you'll still need to do a full chef-client run on the client to render the
change(s) on the node. And, in the end, doing the full chef-client run is
the best practice from a reliability standpoint. When making a change you
want to make sure it's fully and completely rendered onto a node the way it
will be every time chef-client will run in the future. If it doesn't,
there's a pretty large opportunity for you to be surprised after the next
automated chef-client run when something goes boom because of that
attribute change 'that simply updated one thing that was ephemeral and
should have little effect'.

But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 5:28 AM, Sam Darwin samuel.d.darwin@gmail.comwrote:

is there a way to run:

chef-client -o "role[abc]"

that is, to apply a role without running the entire run_list ?

this should not be ephemeral and have little effect... it should cause all
results that having the role in the real run_list would have, update the
chef-server with attributes in a persistent way and everything else. I
would also add the role to the real run_list . But I don't want to run
recipes on the client at that moment.

There were many responses to this, but I want to get back to the original question.

Is there a way to just get a node into a role, but not have go through that role’s run list?

The use case I am thinking of is provisioning a new node. Sometimes the very first chef run fails. If we could get the node into its correct role, and chef-client running as a cron job or service, the node will eventually converge.

Cfengine used to provide something like this. It was a failsafe configuration that a cfengine run would fall back to if the main configuration failed. It was a way to minimize the risk of disconnecting your infrastructure from configuration management if you accidentally deployed a bad main configuration.

Stephen Corbesero, Performance Engineer

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Darwin []
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 5:29 AM
Subject: [chef] chef-client , apply role

is there a way to run:

chef-client -o “role[abc]”

that is, to apply a role without running the entire run_list ?

this should not be ephemeral and have little effect… it should cause all the results that having the role in the real run_list would have, update the
chef-server with attributes in a persistent way and everything else. I
would also add the role to the real run_list . But I don’t want to run all
recipes on the client at that moment.

On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Stephen Corbesero wrote:

There were many responses to this, but I want to get back to the original question.

Is there a way to just get a node into a role, but not have go through that role's run list?

The use case I am thinking of is provisioning a new node. Sometimes the very first chef run fails. If we could get the node into its correct role, and chef-client running as a cron job or service, the node will eventually converge.
This depends on how you provision. If you’re doing one-at-a-time provisioning with knife CLOUD create, then for now your best option is to run chef-client -j /etc/chef/first-boot.json any time the provisioning fails, which re-runs chef the way it was run the first time. This obviously isn’t great so for the future we’re looking at modifying the way provisioning happens to create the node object up-front on the server. We have a couple of prototypes of this written already.

If you have a more custom provisioning setup, then you might be able to modify your provisioning logic to do this. If you’re using enterprise chef (hosted or on-premises), then you need to also create the client object up-front as well. You can use this code as a reference: GitHub - chef-boneyard/bootstrapper: Improved Bootstrap for Chef/Knife


Daniel DeLeo

If you have dependencies on other entries on your run list, you're using
run lists in a way they are not intended to be used.

Dependencies should be pulled in via "depends" not via run list entries.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 6:18 AM, Dylan Northrup wrote:

If you don't run the entire run_list, you may be missing attributes that
should be needed during the chef-client run. As an example, if your
run_list were 'wrapper' cookbooks (that contain attributes, and then call
other cookbooks), if you had any dependency on those attributes (such as
"what data center is this node in?", "is this node dev, ref or prod?",
"what service is this node providing?", etc) you wouldn't have access to

I'd suggest that there's likely something interesting you're trying to do,
but the way you're trying to go about it will cause more headaches down the
road than you think and there is likely a better way to go about what
you're wanting to do. If you want to simply update node attributes, knife
node edit is one way (though not the easiest to automate). A quick google
search shows 'knife-set-attribute' at
GitHub - amian84/knife-set-attribute: Knife set_attribute is a plugin to knife to change attributes values in your nodes may be another way (though
I've not used it, so YMMV).

But these are still methods of changing the model on the chef server and
you'll still need to do a full chef-client run on the client to render the
change(s) on the node. And, in the end, doing the full chef-client run is
the best practice from a reliability standpoint. When making a change you
want to make sure it's fully and completely rendered onto a node the way it
will be every time chef-client will run in the future. If it doesn't,
there's a pretty large opportunity for you to be surprised after the next
automated chef-client run when something goes boom because of that
attribute change 'that simply updated one thing that was ephemeral and
should have little effect'.

But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 5:28 AM, Sam Darwin samuel.d.darwin@gmail.comwrote:

is there a way to run:

chef-client -o "role[abc]"

that is, to apply a role without running the entire run_list ?

this should not be ephemeral and have little effect... it should cause
all the
results that having the role in the real run_list would have, update the
chef-server with attributes in a persistent way and everything else. I
would also add the role to the real run_list . But I don't want to
run all
recipes on the client at that moment.

Not to digress too much, but I use explicit dependencies from metadata.rb
in individual cookbooks (and, less often, roles and environments... at
least until they are able to be versioned) when they're required by the
app/service. But for other, more general "things that should be on a host"
cookbooks, those may gather information from other cookbooks in the run
list to determine how to proceed. There's an implicit dependency in those
more general cookbooks that guides my suggestion to run a full chef-client
run including every cookbook in the run_list.

As an example, let's say I've got multiple apps with multiple development
groups working on those individual apps. Apps are set up using the
individual cookbooks, but I want to get user accounts, sudoers, etc set up
using a single 'users' cookbook. The app cookbooks can set node attributes
that will be read by the users cookbook to determine what user accounts to
put on the node, who to put in sudoers, etc. If I have a single cookbook
for "mount external file systems", it's conceivable individual cookbooks
would be registering remote file systems to mount and a separate cookbook
in the run list (either explicitly or included) would do the actual
mounting of all remote file systems.

If you flip this around and say each app cookbook should manage file system
mounts (something reasonable, I'll admit, given the typically small number
of file system mounts) or adding users (something that quickly gets out of
hand given any reasonably sized shop) that quickly becomes a
maintenance/ops nightmare and possible security issue since there's no way
to insure users are being added correctly, file system mount options are
standardized, etc. Being able to specify requests from multiple different
locations, but have those requests acted upon in a single location allows
for flexibility while maintaining ease of updates and increasing ease of

Digression regarding dependencies aside, I think the idea of only running a
single cookbook on a node is something that was not intended. If you only
want a single cookbook to be run on a node, then that's the only thing that
should be in the run_list, because next time chef-client runs, it'll run
everything in the run_list anyway. If you want to make sure your results
after adding a cookbook to the run_list, you'll need to have the
chef-client run execute every cookbook if you want to make sure your test
results will be consistent with what will eventually happen with production.

But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 2:14 AM, Josiah Kiehl wrote:

If you have dependencies on other entries on your run list, you're using
run lists in a way they are not intended to be used.

Dependencies should be pulled in via "depends" not via run list entries.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 6:18 AM, Dylan Northrup wrote:

If you don't run the entire run_list, you may be missing attributes that
should be needed during the chef-client run. As an example, if your
run_list were 'wrapper' cookbooks (that contain attributes, and then call
other cookbooks), if you had any dependency on those attributes (such as
"what data center is this node in?", "is this node dev, ref or prod?",
"what service is this node providing?", etc) you wouldn't have access to

I'd suggest that there's likely something interesting you're trying to
do, but the way you're trying to go about it will cause more headaches down
the road than you think and there is likely a better way to go about what
you're wanting to do. If you want to simply update node attributes, knife
node edit is one way (though not the easiest to automate). A quick google
search shows 'knife-set-attribute' at
GitHub - amian84/knife-set-attribute: Knife set_attribute is a plugin to knife to change attributes values in your nodes may be another way
(though I've not used it, so YMMV).

But these are still methods of changing the model on the chef server and
you'll still need to do a full chef-client run on the client to render the
change(s) on the node. And, in the end, doing the full chef-client run is
the best practice from a reliability standpoint. When making a change you
want to make sure it's fully and completely rendered onto a node the way it
will be every time chef-client will run in the future. If it doesn't,
there's a pretty large opportunity for you to be surprised after the next
automated chef-client run when something goes boom because of that
attribute change 'that simply updated one thing that was ephemeral and
should have little effect'.

But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 5:28 AM, Sam Darwin samuel.d.darwin@gmail.comwrote:

is there a way to run:

chef-client -o "role[abc]"

that is, to apply a role without running the entire run_list ?

this should not be ephemeral and have little effect... it should cause
all the
results that having the role in the real run_list would have, update the
chef-server with attributes in a persistent way and everything else.
would also add the role to the real run_list . But I don't want to
run all
recipes on the client at that moment.