Chef EC2 pivot root recipe: A possibility?

I am still at the point of doing my homework on using Chef...

The following web log summarizes and sets out the why, how (and how
much) of setting up an EC2 instance to boot from a EBS volume:

Has anyone tried to set up a pivot-root recipe (or more likely
recipes) using Chef? Or do they see anything in the above description
that would make it impossible?

Appreciate any insights.

You should be able to pull this off pretty easily - a quick glance
didn't show anything crazy that would be a blocker.


On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 5:40 AM, Mark wrote:

I am still at the point of doing my homework on using Chef...

The following web log summarizes and sets out the why, how (and how
much) of setting up an EC2 instance to boot from a EBS volume:

Cloud Developer Tips: Boot EC2 Instances from EBS

Has anyone tried to set up a pivot-root recipe (or more likely
recipes) using Chef? Or do they see anything in the above description
that would make it impossible?

Appreciate any insights.

Opscode, Inc.
Adam Jacob, CTO
T: (206) 508-7449 E: