I want to use chef push jobs to restart a windows service on the windows node managed by chef sever.
This is what I did.
I created stop_svc and start_svc cookbooks with the following content, respectively:
service ‘w3svc’ do
action [:enable, :start]
service ‘w3svc’ do
action [:enable, :stop]
I added stop_svc and start_svc cookbooks to the run list for the node. I also added stop_svc and start_svc
in the white list as below:
default[‘push_jobs’][‘whitelist’] = {
‘chef-client’ => ‘chef-client’,
‘stop_iis’ => ‘chef-client -o recipe[stop_iis]’,
‘start_iis’ => ‘chef-client -o recipe[start_iis]’
I can then use “knife job start ‘stop_svc’ ‘node1’” and “knife job start ‘start_svc’ ‘node1’” to stop and start the service on the node.
However, the problem here is that since I have added stop_svc and start_svc cookbooks to the run list for the node, everytime the chef-client run occurs on the node every 30 minutes, it will execute these two cookbooks and I dont’ want the service to stop and start every 30 minutes.
Is there a way for me to start and stop service through push jobs without having to rely on cookbooks and run list?
Can service or windows_service resource be used directly in the whitelist to initiate push jobs? For example I tried below and it does not work.
default[‘push_jobs’][‘whitelist’] = {
‘chef-client’ => ‘chef-client’,
‘iis_restart’ => ‘service w3svc restart’
How would you stop and start service on a node with push jobs?
thanks in advance