Hi everyone . I am trying to do chef install chef work station (on windows) and chef server (on RHEL on AWS). When i am trying to check the connection between the work station and chef server i am getting an ssl error. Below are the things i configured.
- Installed chef server (12.15.7) on AWS RHEL and configured the chef server with username and organization twocommands saved the two .pem files to a directory
- Installed workstation on my windows 10 and created a .chef folder copied the 2 .pem files (validator and user). and prepared the knife.rb file
current_dir = File.dirname(FILE)
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name "username"
client_key “#{current_dir}/username.pem"
chef_server_url “https:///organizations/4thcoffee"
cookbook_path [”#{current_dir}/…/cookbooks”]
Below are the commands i ran
knife ssl fetch (this fetches the privateip.crt to the .chef )
knife ssl check
The solution for this issue depends on your networking configuration. If you
are able to connect to this server using the hostname ip-.ec2.internal
instead of ec2-.compute-1.amazonaws.com, then you can resolve this issue by updating chef_server_url
in your configuration file.
If you are not able to connect to the server using the hostname ip-.ec2.internal
you will have to update the certificate on the server to use the correct hostname.
Can some one please help me ? with some links how to solve this ?