Chef Tiered installation problems

Here’s what I’ve been doing with Chef Server and where I currently stand:

I then created a tiered (NOT HA) Chef Server environment of a front end and a back end. The design looks like this:

see attachment

Chef is installed on both servers. The chef-server.rb file determines the configuration. Ours looks like this:

topology “tier”

server “”,
:ipaddress => “”,
:role => “backend”,
:bootstrap => true

backend_vip “”,
:ipaddress => “”,
:device => “eth0”

server “”,
:ipaddress => “”,
:role => “frontend”

api_fqdn “

The backend is set up first, and then the front end.

The front end has the following processes:

run: nginx: (pid 30064) 364s; run: log: (pid 30036) 377s
run: oc_bifrost: (pid 30071) 363s; run: log: (pid 29156) 73339s
run: oc_id: (pid 30102) 363s; run: log: (pid 29170) 73338s
run: opscode-erchef: (pid 30629) 8s; run: log: (pid 30031) 377s

The back end has the following processes:

run: bookshelf: (pid 9337) 164874s; run: log: (pid 9381) 164873s
run: nginx: (pid 16954) 234s; run: log: (pid 9607) 164868s
run: oc_bifrost: (pid 8231) 164881s; run: log: (pid 8342) 164881s
run: oc_id: (pid 8502) 164880s; run: log: (pid 8538) 164880s
run: opscode-erchef: (pid 16588) 70191s; run: log: (pid 9422) 164872s
run: opscode-expander: (pid 9194) 164876s; run: log: (pid 9296) 164875s
run: opscode-expander-reindexer: (pid 9275) 164875s; run: log: (pid 9321) 164874s
run: opscode-solr4: (pid 9064) 164877s; run: log: (pid 9131) 164877s
run: postgresql: (pid 8104) 164882s; run: log: (pid 8123) 164882s
run: rabbitmq: (pid 27162) 165032s; run: log: (pid 7889) 164883s
run: redis_lb: (pid 16544) 70194s; run: log: (pid 9545) 164869s

However, I cannot get the front end to accept and Chef commands, due to nginx errors. From a self test:

[root@h2y317c700 ~]# chef-server-ctl test
Configuring logging…
Creating platform…
Configured URL:
Creating org pedant_testorg_h2y317c700_30884
/opt/opscode/embedded/service/oc-chef-pedant/lib/pedant/multitenant/platform.rb: (RuntimeError)n create_org’: Bad error code 502 from create org:
502 Bad Gateway

502 Bad Gateway
