ChefDK 4.1.7 Released!

Hey Folks,

We have a HUGE new ChefDK release for you all today. There's something in it for everyone with new component across the board.

Updated Components

Chef Infra Client 15.1

Chef Infra Client has been updated to 15.1 with new and improved resources, improvements to target mode, bootstrap bug fixes, new Ohai detection on VirtualBox hosts, and more. See the Chef Infra Client 15.1 Release Notes for a complete list of new and improved functionality.

Chef InSpec 4.6.9

Chef InSpec has been updated from 4.3.2 to 4.6.9 with the following changes:

  • InSpec Attributes have now been renamed to Inputs to avoid confusion with Chef Infra attributes.
  • A new InSpec plugin type of Input has been added for defining new input types. See the InSpec Plugins documentation for more information on writing these plugins.
  • InSpec no longer prints errors to the stdout when passing --format json.
  • When fetching profiles from GitHub, the URL can now include periods.
  • The performance of InSpec startup has been improved.

Cookstyle 5.0.0

Cookstyle has been updated to 5.0.0 with a large number of bugfixes and major improvements that lay the groundwork for future autocorrecting of cookobook style and deprecation warnings.

The RuboCop engine that powers Cookstyle has been updated from 0.62 to 0.72, which includes several hundred bugfixes to the codebase. When using Cookstyle 5.0, you may experience existing cookbooks now failing, due to some of these bugfixes. Additionally, some cops have had their names changed and the Rubocop Performance cops have been removed. If you disabled individual cops in your .rubocop.yml file, this may require you update your confg.

This new release also merges in code from the rubocop-chef project, providing new alerting and autocorrecting capabilities specific to Chef Infra Cookbooks. Thank you @coderanger for your work in the rubocop-chef project and @chrishenry for helping with new cops.

Foodcritic 16.1.1

Foodcritic has been updated from 16.0.0 to 16.1.1 with new rules and support for the latest Chef:

  • Updated Chef Infra Client metadata for 15.1 to include the new chocolatey_feature resources, as well as new properties in the launchd and chocolatey_source resources
  • Added new rule to detect large files shipped in a cookbook: FC123: Content of a cookbook file is larger than 1MB. Thanks @mattray
  • Allowed configuring the size of the AST cache with a new --ast-cache-size command line option. Thanks @Babar

ChefSpec 7.4.0

ChefSpec has been updated to 7.4 with better support stubbing commands, and a new policyfile_path configuration option for specifying the path to the PolicyFile.

kitchen-dokken 2.7.0

kitchen-dokken has been updated to 2.7.0 with new options for controlling how containers are setup and pulled. You can now disable user namespace mode when running privileged containers with a new userns_host config option. There is also a new option pull_chef_image (true/false) to control force-pulling the chef image on each run to check for newer images. This option now defaults to true so that testing on latest and current always actually mean latest and current. See the kitchen-digitalocean readme for kitchen.yml config examples.

kitchen-digitalocean 0.10.4

kitchen-digitalocean has been updated to 0.10.4 with support for new distros and additional configuration options for instance setup. You can now control the default DigitalOcean region systems that are spun up by using a new DIGITALOCEAN_REGION env var. You can still modify the region in the driver section of your kitchen.yml file if you'd like, and the default region of nyc1 has not changed. This release also adds slug support for fedora-29, fedora-30, and ubuntu-19. Finally, if you'd like to monitor your test instances, the new monitoring configuration option in the kitchen.yml driver section allows enabling DigitalOcean's instance monitoring. See the kitchen-dokken readme for kitchen.yml config examples.

knife-vsphere 3.0.0

knife-vsphere has been updated to 3.0. This new version adds support for specifying the bootstrap_template when creating new VMs. This release also improves how the plugin finds VM hosts, in order to support hosts in nested directories.

knife-ec2 1.0.7

knife-ec2 has received a near-complete rewrite with this release of ChefDK. The new knife-ec2 release switches the underlying library used to communicate with AWS from fog-aws to Amazon's own aws-sdk. The official AWS SDK has greatly improved support for the many AWS authentication methods available to users. It also has support for all of the latest AWS regions and instance types. As part of this switch to the new SDK we did have to remove the knife ec2 flavor list command as this used hard coded values from fog-aws and not AWS API calls. The good news is we were able to add several new commands to the plugin, which make provisioning systems in AWS even easier:

knife ec2 vpc list

This command lists all VPCs in your environment including the ID which you need when provisioning new systems into a specific VPC.

$ knife ec2 vpc list
ID            State      CIDR Block     Instance Tenancy  DHCP Options ID  Default VPC?
vpc-b1bc8d9d  available    default           dopt-1d78412a    No
vpc-daafd931  available   default           dopt-1d78412a    Yes

knife ec2 eni list

This command lists all ENIs in your environment including the ID which you need when adding the ENI to a newly provisioned instance.

$ knife ec2 eni list
ID                     Status  AZ          Public IP       Private IPs    IPv6 IPs  Subnet ID        VPC ID
eni-0123f25ae7805b651  in-use  us-west-2a               subnet-4ef3b123  vpc-b1bc8d9d
eni-2451c913           in-use  us-west-2a               subnet-4ef3b123  vpc-b1bc8d9d

knife ec2 securitygroup list

This command lists all security groups in your environment including the ID which you need when assigning a newly provisioned instance a group.

$knife ec2 securitygroup list
ID                    Name                                     VPC ID
sg-12332d875a4a123d6  not-today-hackers                        vpc-dbbf59a2
sg-123708ab12388cac5  open-to-the-world                        vpc-dbbf59a2

knife ec2 subnet list

This command lists all subnets in your environment including the ID which you need when placing a newly provisioned instance in a subnet.

$ knife ec2 subnet list
ID               State      CIDR Block      AZ          Available IPs  AZ Default?  Maps Public IP?  VPC ID
subnet-bd2333a9  available   us-west-2b  4091           Yes          Yes              vpc-b1bc8d9d
subnet-ba1135c9  available  us-west-2a  4091           Yes          Yes              vpc-b1bc8d9d

End of Ubuntu 14.04 support

Ubuntu 14.04 entered the end-of-life phase April 30, 2019. Since this version of Ubuntu is now end-of-life, we have stopped building packages for Ubuntu 14.04. If you rely on Ubuntu 14.04 in your environment, we highly recommend upgrading your host to Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04.

Security Updates

curl 7.65.1

  • CVE-2019-5435: Integer overflows in curl_url_set
  • CVE-2019-5436: tftp: use the current blksize for recvfrom()
  • CVE-2018-16890: NTLM type-2 out-of-bounds buffer read
  • CVE-2019-3822: NTLMv2 type-3 header stack buffer overflow
  • CVE-2019-3823: SMTP end-of-response out-of-bounds read
  • CVE-2019-5443: Windows OpenSSL engine code injection

cacerts 5-11-2019 release

  • Our cacert bundle has been updated to the 5-11-2019 bundle, which adds four additional CAs.
