Hi all,
I want to create a recipe that install mysql-server and create a root user and passowrd
Hi all,
I want to create a recipe that install mysql-server and create a root user and passowrd
Why not use a community cookbook for mysql: https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/mysql
Kind regards,
done already seems to be working but how to create the root password
mysqlpass = data_bag_item(“mysql”, “rtpass.json”)
mysql_service “mysqldefault” do
initial_root_password mysqlpass[“password”]
action [:create, :start]
seems not getting the password
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2)
Your error does not say the password is incorrect. It says that it cannot connect to the server.
The reason is that the path to the MySQL socket is incorrect. Please review the documentation for the mysql cookbook, especially the headings “Connecting with the mysql CLI command” and “The mysql command line doesn’t work”.