✗✗✗ Crypto error: No revisions found for yourorigin sig key

When trying to enter the studio I get :

yourself@habdev:~/projects/tutorial/mytutorialapp$ sudo hab studio enter
   hab-studio: Creating Studio at /hab/studios/home--yourself--projects--tutorial--mytutorialapp (default)
   hab-studio: Importing yourorigin secret origin key
✗✗✗ Crypto error: No revisions found for yourorigin sig key
Error exporting yourorigin key

I did not run …

hab setup

… because I had keys already. Instead I ran, successfully

cat ~/.ssh/habitat/pub.key | sudo hab origin key import
cat ~/.ssh/habitat/sec.key | sudo hab origin key import

If I have imported the keys, why can’t studio find them?

Okay, I seem to have it figured out.

The keys are imported to :


However the studio looks for them in :


I was able to enter studio with no error by doing the following :

sudo cp /hab/cache/keys/yourorigin* /home/yourself/.hab/cache/keys/
sudo chown -R yourself:yourself /home/yourself/.hab

Yes this is due to a recent change in habitat 10.0+ the details on this change should be covered here: Habitat 0.10.1 Released and should be mirrored in the docs!