My bad, I wasn't rewriting all of the code you had pasted; just trying to
detect if the bag already existed or not.
I'll try to get an 11 server up soon and try this stuff myself though.
On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Jesse Campbell wrote:
The code you pasted doesn't actually accomplish the need.
if the data bag exists, it will do nothing.
if the data bag doesn't exist, it will create it locally, but won't upload
it to the server (that's what the .save is for)
the 405 error is for the save for both bags that exist and those that
don't exist.
this is only on chef 11, works fine on chef 10.
your code is better than my code, and i'll happily steal it for our chef
10 servers, but it doesn't solve the current problem.
Thanks, though, catching the 404 is a nice clean way to handle it for 10 
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 6:01 PM, Daniel Condomitti daniel@condomitti.comwrote:
Using the code I pasted below? It shouldn't be returning http 405 for
data bags that exist since you wouldn't be able to load any data from them.
I don't have a chef 11 server to test against yet but can you run
Chef::DataBag.load in chef_shell for both a data bag that exists and one
that doesn't and compare the output?
On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Jesse Campbell wrote:
I'm getting #<Net::HTTPServerException: 405 "Method Not Allowed">
that happens whether the data bag exists or not.
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Daniel Condomitti daniel@condomitti.comwrote:
You can specify the exceptions that you're rescuing instead of just
blindly trapping all exceptions. What exception do you receive in Chef 11
when trying to retrieve a data bag that might not exist?
You could do something like the following; I'm sure there's a cleaner way
but at least you're only attempting to create the new data bag if it
doesn't already exist on the server.
databag_name = "sam-config-#{node.chef_environment}"databag = begin
Chef::DataBag.load(databag_name) rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e
raise e unless e.response.code == "404" end
On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Jesse Campbell wrote:
with chef 10 server and an admin client, I used to be able to create a
data bag, then add items to it, like this:
dbag = "sam-config-#{node.chef_environment}"
dbag_bag =
rescue => e "Creating the data bag failed: #{e.inspect}" )
dbag_item =
dbag_item.data_bag(dbag) "Adding new item: #{id}" )
dbag_item.raw_data = item
I needed to have the data bag creation in a rescue loop because in 10
server, there was no way without triggering an exception to ask the server
if the data bag existed before trying to create it, so I would either get
an exception asking if it was there, or I'd get an exception asking to
create it.
Now, if it doesn't exist, I get #<Net::HTTPServerException: 405 "Method
Not Allowed">
Is there a new way to handle this (or perhaps a better one that works in
both chef 10 and chef 11 without blowing up in my face all the time)?