Dependency between nodes

I wanted to know if chef is suitable for the following scenari, if yes then
what would be the best way to achieve it.
We need to deploy a web-application which contains 3 components

  1. A WAR file - portal
  2. An application - A module which interacts with the portal for different
  3. DB
  4. Active MQ - To facilitate the communication b/w Portal and App

If the above 4 components are on different machines/nodes, can the
deployment be made atomic i.e. either all nodes get upgraded or none does.
I have an ANT script which can handle the deploy-all or none on a sinle
node, is chef a possible solution if we need to suppprt the same across


There have been discussions around about Chef being used as a deployment
mechanism or not. From what i have analysed and reviewed based on the
community feedbacks + some of my experience, Chef should not be used for
deployments. Chef is a configuration management tool i.e you use Chef to
set up your servers where the applications are deployed/hosted. Depending
of Chef for deployment is just leaving more room for failures. Are you
gonna do a chef-run for a production deploy? If you so, what happens if the
chef run fails due to say, may be any silly reasons? And how are you going
to put a gate on the deployment (although this can be archived using
branches in your repo).

The mentioned type of deployment can to achieve best with a combination of
capistrano + ssh (in my opinion). Check out capistrano 2 / 3 (many suggest
to use 3, + me :slight_smile: ) . But i still use cap2. And this have tied me down to
an older Version of chef.

A .war can be deployed to a say Tomcat cointainer using ssh from the
repository via the jenkins servers (if you use jenkins). & the DB related
deploys are done mostly via the capistrano. Not sure on the other 2 apps on
what they are though.

hope this gives some to think and possibly a solution.

On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 11:16 PM, Vikas Roonwal

I wanted to know if chef is suitable for the following scenari, if yes
then what would be the best way to achieve it.
We need to deploy a web-application which contains 3 components

  1. A WAR file - portal
  2. An application - A module which interacts with the portal for different
  3. DB
  4. Active MQ - To facilitate the communication b/w Portal and App

If the above 4 components are on different machines/nodes, can the
deployment be made atomic i.e. either all nodes get upgraded or none does.
I have an ANT script which can handle the deploy-all or none on a sinle
node, is chef a possible solution if we need to suppprt the same across


nirish okram

On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 11:16 PM, Vikas Roonwal wrote:
I wanted to know if chef is suitable for the following scenari, if yes then what would be the best way to achieve it.
We need to deploy a web-application which contains 3 components

  1. A WAR file - portal
  2. An application - A module which interacts with the portal for different tasks
  3. DB
  4. Active MQ - To facilitate the communication b/w Portal and App

If the above 4 components are on different machines/nodes, can the deployment be made atomic i.e. either all nodes get upgraded or none does.
I have an ANT script which can handle the deploy-all or none on a sinle node, is chef a possible solution if we need to suppprt the same across nodes?


As mentioned by niristotle; you can use chef to build the infrastructure and deploy the app.

I’ve used chef to build up from a base image a Tomcat server, then configure tomcat, then deploy a WAR file from a known location into that server. I then image that resulting server to be used for an Amazon Auto Scaling group. However; Chef is not necessarily needed here as I’m using it purely as a build chain. You could do this with packer, or a number of other tools.

If you wanted to continue to maintain state on this server once built; chef would have that added benefit.

In my case I simply have a role as shown which is used to apply to a node bootstrapped with knife (in AWS in my case):

"name": "java-appserver",
"default_attributes": {},
"override_attributes": {
"java": {
"jdk_version": "7"
"oracle": {
"accept_oracle_download_terms": true
"aws": {
"s3": {
"bucket": "myappdeploybucket"
"tomcat": {
"java_options": "${JAVA_OPTS} -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -Xms512m -Xmx25g -XX:NewSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=1g -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled"
"json_class": "Chef::Role",
"description": "Role for Java Apps Servers using OpenJDK7",
"chef_type": "role",
"run_list": [

I’m using community java and tomcat cookbooks to setup the Web App Server.

The final recipe merely drops the WAR into the tomcat webs directory to auto-deploy

Copy EDDA WAR to webapps for autodeployment - Requires that instance have role with access to bucket

execute "aws s3 cp #{node['simianarmy']['urls']['edda']} /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/" do
action :run
not_if { File.exist?("/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/#{server_file(node['simianarmy']['urls']['edda'])}") }

GPG Key: 0x2B272DFD | E564 BCC1 F601 5D1F 01CD AC10 C37D D2B0 2B27 2DFD

You might also want to take a look at chef-provisioning or vagrant for
multi-machine setups

Alternatively, terraform explicitly knows about node dependencies an (re-)
builds them in the correct order. Not sure if chef-provisioning does that

HTH, Torben
Am 18.05.2015 09:46 schrieb "Ted B"

On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 11:16 PM, Vikas Roonwal
I wanted to know if chef is suitable for the following scenari, if yes
then what would be the best way to achieve it.
We need to deploy a web-application which contains 3 components

  1. A WAR file - portal
  2. An application - A module which interacts with the portal for
    different tasks
  3. DB
  4. Active MQ - To facilitate the communication b/w Portal and App

If the above 4 components are on different machines/nodes, can the
deployment be made atomic i.e. either all nodes get upgraded or none does.
I have an ANT script which can handle the deploy-all or none on a sinle
node, is chef a possible solution if we need to suppprt the same across


As mentioned by niristotle; you can use chef to build the infrastructure
and deploy the app.

I’ve used chef to build up from a base image a Tomcat server, then
configure tomcat, then deploy a WAR file from a known location into that
server. I then image that resulting server to be used for an Amazon Auto
Scaling group. However; Chef is not necessarily needed here as I’m using it
purely as a build chain. You could do this with packer, or a number of
other tools.

If you wanted to continue to maintain state on this server once built;
chef would have that added benefit.

In my case I simply have a role as shown which is used to apply to a node
bootstrapped with knife (in AWS in my case):

"name": "java-appserver",
"default_attributes": {},
"override_attributes": {
"java": {
"jdk_version": "7"
"oracle": {
"accept_oracle_download_terms": true
"aws": {
"s3": {
"bucket": "myappdeploybucket"
"tomcat": {
"java_options": "${JAVA_OPTS} -Djava.awt.headless=true
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -Xms512m -Xmx25g -XX:NewSize=256m
-XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=1g
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled"
"json_class": "Chef::Role",
"description": "Role for Java Apps Servers using OpenJDK7",
"chef_type": "role",
"run_list": [

I’m using community java and tomcat cookbooks to setup the Web App Server.
tomcat versions

The final recipe merely drops the WAR into the tomcat webs directory to

Copy EDDA WAR to webapps for autodeployment - Requires that instance

have role with access to bucket
execute "aws s3 cp #{node['simianarmy']['urls']['edda']}
/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/" do
action :run
not_if {

GPG Key: 0x2B272DFD | E564 BCC1 F601 5D1F 01CD AC10 C37D D2B0 2B27 2DFD