Hit an issue when trying to read an encrypted attribute using @zuazo_onddo’s useful cookbook.
On one node sits my DB, with auto-generated encrypted passwords, however my automated client connections are on another node. This seemed to be a simple enough solution on the client:
# Install Encrypted Attributes gem
include_recipe 'encrypted_attributes'
# Expose the public key for encryption
include_recipe 'encrypted_attributes::expose_key'
# Include the #secure_password method from the openssl cookbook
self.class.send(:include, Opscode::OpenSSL::Password)
# Include the Encrypted Attributes cookbook helpers
self.class.send(:include, Chef::EncryptedAttributesHelpers)
# Encrypted Attributes will be grabbed from a remote node
def retrieve_mysql_password(user)
key = "server_#{user}_password"
dev_server = node['my-app']['db-server']
encrypted_attribute_read_from_node("#{db_server}", ['mysql-core', key])
However Chef doesn’t agree (compile-time failure):
uninitialized constant Chef::REST
Relevant File Content:
Being new to Chef, I couldn’t find my way to the source of the issue, any suggestions? I’m aware that I could go the databag route, but given my previous point I’d rather stay within my comfort zone if at all possible for now…