Encrypting data bags on the chef server using a gem like Ridley


I’m trying to find a way to encrypt databags on a Chef Server through an API

I’ve been using the Ridley ruby gem and that has been sufficient for most of my
needs but I need to encrypt data bags through the chef api but can’t figure out
a way of doing this. ( i want to avoid using the knife tool if possible).

If anyone has used the Ridley gem to do this, can you please tell me the
command to do so? Or if you know of another way of encrypting data bags through
the api, then please tell me.

I’m a new user to Chef.

Many thanks

All of the encryption and decryption is performed on the client side so I don’t know if Ridley would be able to perform this without wrapping Knife/Chef. And unfortunately, thats the best tool I know of now to perform encrypted data bag operations.

It can also be done in a cookbook, but that is not an API either (in the sense that you can include it in another gem and call data_bag.get(“name”, secret)).


On Dec 10, 2014, at 6:50 AM, aebirim@icloud.com wrote:


I'm trying to find a way to encrypt databags on a Chef Server through an API

I've been using the Ridley ruby gem and that has been sufficient for most of my
needs but I need to encrypt data bags through the chef api but can't figure out
a way of doing this. ( i want to avoid using the knife tool if possible).

If anyone has used the Ridley gem to do this, can you please tell me the
command to do so? Or if you know of another way of encrypting data bags through
the api, then please tell me.

I'm a new user to Chef.

Many thanks