At ChefConf this year we announced a ton of great improvements to Automate 2 and released InSpec 4.0. Now that these are released, it’s time to say goodbye to some old friends. The end of life for Automate 1.x and InSpec versions 1.x and 2.x is December 31, 2019.
As of December 31, 2019, Automate 1.x will no longer be supported. Users of Automate 1.x are encouraged to upgrade to version 2 before this date. For more details on Chef Automate version 2, including installation and upgrade instructions, please visit
Also on December 31, 2019, Chef InSpec 1.x and 2.x versions will no longer be supported. No further bug fixes or updates will be made to these versions, and current and future resources and profiles will not be supported as well. Users of Chef InSpec 1.x and 2.x are encouraged to upgrade to version 4.0 before this date. For more details on Chef InSpec 4.0, including installation and upgrade instructions, please visit
See these blog posts for more information:
End of Life Announcement for Chef Automate v1.x
Reintro to Chef InSpec 4.0 and End of Life Announcement for v1.x and v2.x