IMHO you are doing it wrong.
(See [1])
We have the exact same problem. Different data centers require
different runlists and/or configuration. When presented with the
prospect of doing logic that may require evolution/versioning I tend
to see that the best place to do that in chef atm is in a cookbook.
So we typically will do the logic in such a big switch or decision
tree of some type. Our nameservers are not chef managed so they are a
bunch of static configurations and we have something like the
following in a recipe in our base cookbook.
if '8ND' == node['datacenter']
node.override['resolver']['nameservers'] = ["X.X.X.X"]
elsif 'BWD' == node['datacenter']
node.override['resolver']['nameservers'] = ["X.X.X.X", "X.X.X.X"]
elsif 'VAGRANT' == node['datacenter']
node.override['resolver']['nameservers'] = ["", ""]
raise "Unknown datacenter #{node['datacenter']}"
We also use this approach to decide whether or not to include certain recipes.
At other times we use search to derive the configuration and then
limit the criteria by environment/datacenter.
[1] http://realityforge.org/code/2012/11/19/role-cookbooks-and-wrapper-cookbooks.html
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Jesse Campbell hikeit@gmail.com wrote:
I want to have a "base" role and automatically include a datacenter-specific
role depending on the environment.
essentially i have:
datacenter 1 (primary production):
10 environments
datacenter 2 (international):
6 environments
datacenter 3 (development):
6 environments
i have a "base" role that includes all of the recipes and roles and
attributes that are common to all of the above as well as specific to DC1
then i have attribute overrides in the other 12 environments to fix things
that are specific to DC2 or DC3.
i could use environment run lists, but then i'd have to list the 15 recipes
that are in the default run list 22 times. yuck.
is there any way to specify a run list in the environment file instead? any
other ideas?
Peter Donald