I’m creating a cookbook for deploying an application server (jruby & tomcat)
and database server (postgres).
There is a “rake db:setup” command that I need to run only once to set up the
database structure. I wanted to do this with the “first run resource” pattern
(http://docs.opscode.com/essentials_cookbook_resources_first_run.html) but
since the app server from which I run the rake command is a chef different node
than the database server, it doesn’t have permission to set an attribute on it.
I’m able to manually give this permission from the hosted chef UI but I’m
looking at a way to grant this permission from my database server’s recipe.
Any idea how I can do this? Or maybe a better way to store this flag? (Btw I
have one database server and possibly multiple app servers in each
Thanks in advance,
niek.bartholomeus@gmail.com writes:
I'm creating a cookbook for deploying an application server (jruby & tomcat)
and database server (postgres).
There is a "rake db:setup" command that I need to run only once to set up the
database structure. I wanted to do this with the "first run resource" pattern
(http://docs.opscode.com/essentials_cookbook_resources_first_run.html) but
since the app server from which I run the rake command is a chef different node
than the database server, it doesn't have permission to set an attribute on it.
I'm able to manually give this permission from the hosted chef UI but I'm
looking at a way to grant this permission from my database server's recipe.
Any idea how I can do this? Or maybe a better way to store this flag? (Btw I
have one database server and possibly multiple app servers in each
I think a better approach is to check if the db:setup tasks needs to be
run on the box by check e.g. the database. We do something like this:
execute "add-#{database}-database" do
command %Q{
su - postgres -c "createdb -E=UTF8 --template=template0 -O #{node[:postgresql][:dba_user]} #{database}"
not_if "su - postgres -c \"psql -c \\\"SELECT * FROM pg_database\\\"\" | grep #{database}"