Perhaps at the very least you could obtain more info with GIT_TRACE and
since you're using git bash, this should at least give you a lot more
debug output
export GIT_TRACE=1
knife cookbook site install vagrant --verbose
maybe that will give you a better idea what's failing.
Here's another fresh example but with the above turned on. This is
exactly the craziness I experienced ~7 months ago when I last tried
working in this environment (Windows 8 then and now).
I've annotated it.
This is all in the same fresh Git-Bash:
Trace vars are set
Jeff@PATCHY ~/chef-repo/cookbooks (master)
$ env | grep GIT
Repo clean state
Jeff@PATCHY ~/chef-repo/cookbooks (master)
$ git status
trace: built-in: git 'status'
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
First, total failure
Jeff@PATCHY ~/chef-repo/cookbooks (master)
$ knife cookbook site install windows --verbose
Installing windows to c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks
ERROR: Errno::EIO: Input/output error - CreateProcessW
We back up a directory and it tries to work...
Jeff@PATCHY ~/chef-repo/cookbooks (master)
$ cd ..
Jeff@PATCHY ~/chef-repo (master)
$ knife cookbook site install windows --verbose
Installing windows to c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks
Checking out the master branch.
Pristine copy branch (chef-vendor-windows) exists, switching to it.
Downloading windows from the cookbooks site at version 1.34.2 to
Cookbook saved: c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks/windows.tar.gz
Removing pre-existing version.
Uncompressing windows version 1.34.2.
removing downloaded tarball
39 files updated, committing changes
ERROR: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit
with [0],
but received '1'
---- Begin output of git commit -m "Import windows version 1.34.2" --
windows ----
STDOUT: On branch chef-vendor-windows
nothing to commit, working directory clean
STDERR: trace: built-in: git 'commit' '-m' 'Import windows version
1.34.2' '--' 'windows'
---- End output of git commit -m "Import windows version 1.34.2" --
windows ----
Ran git commit -m "Import windows version 1.34.2" -- windows returned 1
Let's get back on master since we were left on chef-vendor-windows
Jeff@PATCHY ~/chef-repo (chef-vendor-windows)
$ git checkout master
trace: built-in: git 'checkout' 'master'
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
And we try again and it WORKS!
Jeff@PATCHY ~/chef-repo (master)
$ knife cookbook site install windows --verbose
Installing windows to c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks
Checking out the master branch.
Pristine copy branch (chef-vendor-windows) exists, switching to it.
Downloading windows from the cookbooks site at version 1.34.2 to
Cookbook saved: c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks/windows.tar.gz
Removing pre-existing version.
Uncompressing windows version 1.34.2.
removing downloaded tarball
No changes made to windows
Checking out the master branch.
Installing chef_handler to c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks
Checking out the master branch.
Pristine copy branch (chef-vendor-chef_handler) exists, switching to it.
Downloading chef_handler from the cookbooks site at version 1.1.6 to
Cookbook saved: c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks/chef_handler.tar.gz
Removing pre-existing version.
Uncompressing chef_handler version 1.1.6.
removing downloaded tarball
No changes made to chef_handler
Checking out the master branch.
We run the same command again for kicks and it FAILS!
Jeff@PATCHY ~/chef-repo (master)
$ knife cookbook site install windows --verbose
Installing windows to c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks
Checking out the master branch.
Pristine copy branch (chef-vendor-windows) exists, switching to it.
Downloading windows from the cookbooks site at version 1.34.2 to
Cookbook saved: c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks/windows.tar.gz
Removing pre-existing version.
Uncompressing windows version 1.34.2.
removing downloaded tarball
5 files updated, committing changes
ERROR: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit
with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of git commit -m "Import windows version 1.34.2" --
windows ----
STDOUT: On branch chef-vendor-windows
nothing to commit, working directory clean
STDERR: trace: built-in: git 'commit' '-m' 'Import windows version
1.34.2' '--' 'windows'
---- End output of git commit -m "Import windows version 1.34.2" --
windows ----
Ran git commit -m "Import windows version 1.34.2" -- windows returned 1
We run the same command AGAIN for kicks and it WORKS!
Jeff@PATCHY ~/chef-repo (chef-vendor-windows)
$ knife cookbook site install windows --verbose
Installing windows to c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks
Checking out the master branch.
Pristine copy branch (chef-vendor-windows) exists, switching to it.
Downloading windows from the cookbooks site at version 1.34.2 to
Cookbook saved: c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks/windows.tar.gz
Removing pre-existing version.
Uncompressing windows version 1.34.2.
removing downloaded tarball
No changes made to windows
Checking out the master branch.
Installing chef_handler to c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks
Checking out the master branch.
Pristine copy branch (chef-vendor-chef_handler) exists, switching to it.
Downloading chef_handler from the cookbooks site at version 1.1.6 to
Cookbook saved: c:/Users/Jeff/chef-repo/cookbooks/chef_handler.tar.gz
Removing pre-existing version.
Uncompressing chef_handler version 1.1.6.
removing downloaded tarball
No changes made to chef_handler
Checking out the master branch.
Jeff@PATCHY ~/chef-repo (master)