Habitat 0.9.1 Released

Today we’ve released Habitat 0.9.1. This is mostly a bugfix release for a couple of proxy-related bugs.

For more info on these changes and bugfixes, please read on. If you just want the software, go to the downloads page to get the latest version.

Thanks for using Habitat!


The following bugfixes are of note in this release.

  • Habitat should now work better behind certain corporate proxies that strictly validate the Host header.
  • Docker for Mac 1.12.0-a introduced some networking changes that broke the use of Habitat’s studio in a proxied environment. This has been fixed.
  • Owner and permissions are set correctly on unpacking a .hart. This fixes an error where setuid bits were not being preserved from the built into the runtime environment.

For a full list of changes, please view the changelog for this release.


We’d like to thank Joe Bryant of Capital One Bank for his patience and willingness to help us debug issues from behind a corporate proxy.

For OSX users, Homebrew Cask has been updated to 0.9.1 as well.

$ brew cask update
$ brew cask install hab --force
$ hab --version
hab 0.9.1/20160901213157
$ docker pull habitat-docker-registry.bintray.io/studio:latest
$ hab studio enter
[1][default:/src:0]# hab --version
hab 0.9.1/20160901204602