Habitat 1.6.115 Released!

We are happy to announce the release of Habitat 1.6.115!

It’s been a little while since the last release, but we have a lot of features and bugfixes to make up for it.

For new features, we now have the ability to modify how the Supervisor
manages individual services, without having to restart those services
if it isn’t necessary. For now, this is confined to “update related”
functionality (e.g., changing a service’s update strategy, or changing
the channel the service is updating from. Check out the hab svc update command for more.

We also have the ability to configure the services a Supervisor runs
using configuration files; you are no longer restricted to using just
the command line! We’re still exploring the shape of this, so you’ll
need to enable the feature by adding HAB_FEAT_SERVICE_CONFIG_FILES=1
to your environment. Once you do, check out hab svc load --generate-config and hab svc load --config-files.

Another feature of note is the addition of uninstall hooks to
complement install hooks. Now packages can clean up after themselves
when they are deleted.

There are some more features, as well as a lot of quality-of-life
bugfixes on Windows. Be sure to check them out below, and thanks for
using Habitat!

1.6.115 (2020-08-10)

Full Changelog

New Features & Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Merged Pull Requests