Habitat 1.6.175, 1.6.181 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Habitat 1.6.181 (and 1.6.175)!

There was a small bug that escaped in 1.6.175 around building Windows packages when overriding HAB_BLDR_CHANNEL, which was addressed in the 1.6.181 release.

1.6.181 (2020-10-30)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

Merged Pull Requests

1.6.175 (2020-10-28)

Full Changelog

Behavioral Changes

Merged Pull Requests


I need some help. hab pkg install vs hab pkg download
hab version : hab 1.6.175/20201026161911

Before its working fine without any issue with hab pkg install command . But now its throwing this issue
/hab/svc/vault_policies/hooks/install\e[0m\n\e[0m\e[0m\e[32mvault_policies\e[0m(\e[0m\e[1m\e[37mHK\e[0m): \e[0mHook failed to run, install, Invalid argument (os error 22)\e[0m\n", :stderr_data=>"\e[0m\e[0m\e[1m\e[31m\u2717\u2717\u2717\e[0m\n\e[0m\e[0m\e[1m\e[31m\u2717\u2717\u2717 ase/vault_policies/1.3.5/20201202130149 install hook failed: execution failed: Invalid argument (os error 22)\e[0m\n\e[0m\e[0m\e[1m\e[31m\u2717\u2717\u2717\e[0m\n", :exit_code=>1, :exit_signal=>nil})",

But hab pkg download is working fine . what is the root cause of this issue ?

Note : No changes in the pkg