Habitat Package Refresh - SqlLite

SqlLite Package Upgrade & Refresh

Hello, friendly Habicats!

We are fixing an issue with sqlLite package and refreshing all the packages which are reverse (build & runtime) dependencies or transitive reverse dependencies for sqlite. The target environments are linux and linux kernel2 here. The issue was related to an error which was introduced in the previous refresh of May 2022. The error was related to incorrect pkg_dist_version in the plan file for sqllite 3.36.0 package version.

Habitat Plans 101

Currently, there are about 700 Habitat plans under the Core Origin on Builder.

These include everything from services like Postgresql to binaries like Go to very low-level system libraries like GCC, all of which you can easily pull into your own Habitat artifacts.

What’s a Habitat Plan

Artifacts are the cryptographically signed tarballs that are uploaded, downloaded, unpacked, and installed in Chef Habitat. They are built from shell scripts known as plans but may also include application lifecycle hooks and service configuration files that describe the behavior and configuration of a running service.
At the center of Chef Habitat packaging is the plan. This is a directory comprised of shell scripts and optional configuration files that define how you download, configure, make, install, and manage the lifecycle of the software in the artifact
The Base Plans are a group of plans (mostly low-level systems libraries) that:

· Are used by nearly every other plan (or a dependency of that plan) on Builder

· Are used to build Habitat itself

· Need to be built in a certain order.

You can see the full list of Base Plans here 4 5.
You can see the full list of Core plans here 1 3.

Any time one of these plans is updated (especially ones that are nearly universally used, like glibc and GCC, all other plans which depend on it need to be built in a certain order, and then all plans that depend (or depend on a plan that depends) on those plans also need to be rebuilt.

What does it mean for you?

If you are using SqlLite version 3.36.0 we strongly recommend refreshing that to the latest version of sqllite provided as part of the refresh.

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