How can we pass parameter to batch file?

b = "\r\n"
y = “Y”

batch “run-script” do
cwd "D:\oracle\product\root2\OPatch\ocm\bin"
code "emocmrsp.bat param1=#{b} param2=#{y}"
action :run

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b = "\r\n"
y = “Y”

batch “run-script” do
cwd "D:\oracle\product\root2\OPatch\ocm\bin"
code "emocmrsp.bat param1=#{b} param2=#{y}"
action :run

Actually what i am trying to do here is to go to directory where my batch file is kept that is emocmrsp.bat and that file need two inputs that are b and y parameters or variables . so i want to ask how can pass variable to a batch file because this is not working like this.

first try manually how to pass the parameters in a batch file…Then keep that command as it is in powershell_script module.

that is very commonly known but is there any exact solution. Beacuse i have already tried alot. Is anyone who have try this