How to avoid "resource cloning" warning while using mount on the same directory

Hi. I know that when I use two resources that have the same name, I might get "deprecated feature used: resource cloning" warning. I could change the name of resources to avoid resource cloning and get rid of that warning. But what if I can not change resource name? Let's say I have mount at the beginning of my recipe:

mount '/mnt/directory' do
  device "//"
  action [:mount]

and then at the end I have umount:

mount '/mnt/directory' do
  device "//"
  action [:umount]

I know that this is not common to do both mount and umount in one recipe, but that's my unorthodox way of achieving something. While executing this recipe I get warning about "deprecated feature used: resource cloning". How can I avoid that warning while I can not change the name of second resource, since "/mnt/directory" is the name and I can not change the directory on which the umount will take action?

I have to answer my own questions since someone helped me on StackOverflow. There is a way to do that, you just have to define "mount_point" property and then you can change resource name while still defining what is the mount point:

mount 'mounting /mnt/directory' do
  mount_point '/mnt/directory'
  device "//"
  action [:mount]

mount 'umounting /mnt/directory' do
  mount_point '/mnt/directory'
  device "//"
  action [:umount]