I am trying to use 2233 port for host machine but it is not using 2233 port and it is still trying to use default 2222 port. below is the kitchen.yml code.
- name: bpm_dmgr
vm_hostname: bpmdmgr.royalgreens.com
- ["forwarded_port", {guest: 22, host: 2233}]
- ["private_network", {ip: ""}]
memory: 2048
cpus: 2`
I have read this documentation but did not find the solution. can anyone please help
I am trying to use 2233 port for host machine but it is not using 2233 port and it is still trying to use default 2222 port.
- ["forwarded_port", {guest: 22, host: 2233}]
With the vagrant
driver, Vagrant needs the id
for this port to know to change the SSH port forwarding.
- ["forwarded_port", {guest: 22, host: 2233, id: 'ssh'}]
I am curious about why allowing Vagrant to determine and assign forwarded ports does not work for you.
thank you so much. it is resolved after passing id