How to deploy using Git repo that has multiple projects inside folders in a single repo?

Hi chef fellas!
I’ve a private repo at github and it has multiple projects in that single repo.

/shared/microlabs (root of the git repo mirrored using git from github)

Following are the 2 projects inside the microlabs1-subdir


I got to install those 2 projects and I’m trying to follow the opscode’s
standard application and database recipes.

Following is the snippet default of the php application recipe.

deploy_revision app['id'] do
  revision app['revision'][node.chef_environment]
  repository app['repository']
  user app['owner']
  group app['group']
  deploy_to app['deploy_to']
  action app['force'][node.chef_environment] ? :force_deploy : :deploy
  ssh_wrapper "#{app['deploy_to']}/deploy-ssh-wrapper" if app['deploy_key']
  shallow_clone true
local_settings_file_name => local_settings_full_path

By default, it will assume the checked-out repo dir as the source. And in my
case, its below 2 dirs from the root of the git repo.

But I couldn’t find any params that configures/tells to use the inner folder of
the root repo?

How to deal with this?