How to stop processing a recipe based on a condition and continue with the rest of the chef run

Hi partners,

I am trying to do a deployment and I need to stop the deploy recipe when deployment is successful. I use a function called isReachable?(url) which belong to the Tools module. This function return true if the url is reachable. I only can use the above function within ruby_block because in compile time give me a error. Then, I use this function to determinate if app is ready and it work fine. The problem is when I try to stop processing the deploy recipe with the following code:

3.times do |i|
#Code for deployment....

  # Ruby code to verify the deployment of App
  ruby_block 'verify deployment' do
    block do
      if Tools.isReachable?('http://localhost:8080/App')$message)
        Tools.send_email mail_from, mail_to, :message => $message
        Chef::Log.warn("App deployment failed (#{i + 1}/3)")

The function’s code (only for information):

def self.isReachable?(url)
    require 'mechanize'
    sw = true
    agent =
    agent.user_agent_alias = 'Windows Chrome'
    agent.agent.http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

    	agent.read_timeout = 5 #set the agent time out
    	page = agent.get(url)
    	agent.history.pop()   #delete this request in the history
  rescue Mechanize::ResponseCodeError
      sw = false
    return sw

the code of default recipe:

# System preconfigurations
include_recipe 'deploy_war::prepare'

# Deploy
include_recipe 'deploy_war::deploy'

# Task Scheduler
include_recipe 'deploy_war::task_scheduler'

I use return because of I was reading about how solve my problem but I get this error:

#<LocalJumpError: ruby_block[verify deployment] (deploy_war::deploy_proc line 87) had an error: LocalJumpError: unexpected return> had an error:
ruby_block[verify deployment] (deploy_war::deploy_proc line 87) had an error: LocalJumpError: unexpected return

Any help ?