How to supply --input-file for Inpsec exec to AWS System Manager document: AWS-RunInSpecChecks


I am using AWS System Manager's document - AWS-RunInSpecChecks to run Inspec profile through AWS System Manager.
The AWS AWS-RunInSpecChecks accepts only SourceType(Github/S3) and SourceInfo (path) of the profile.
How can I supply the input file via the --input-file parameter?
I checked the file that gets installed on the managed AWS node. It has the following Inspec exec parameters:

inspec exec . --reporter json

Is it not possible to supply input-file for customizing the profile execution? Is updating the inspec.yml file directly the only option to customize?

Thanks & Regards,

Wouldn't you want to run something like this:

inspec exec 'profile' --target winrm:// --password "password" --show-progress

--reporter cli test_report.html


Thanks, @stickerbush1970 .. for the reply.
We finally wrote a new AWS SSM document with the required parameters to run Inspec. I think it is time, AWS replaced its original document with one executing latest Inspec supported exec parameters
