I’m trying to use the FileEdit util to modify my fstab, but it doesn’t seem
to work as expected.
This is essentially my code:
ruby_block “setup fstab” do
not_if “cat /etc/fstab | grep #{node[‘mysql’][‘mount_point’]} >
block do
f = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new(’/etc/fstab’)
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node[‘mysql’][‘ebs_vol_dev’]} /,
”#{node[‘mysql’][‘ebs_vol_dev’]} #{node[‘mysql’][‘mount_point’]}
#{node[‘mysql’][‘formatting’]} noatime 0 0")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node[‘mysql’][‘ebs_data_dir’]} /,
"#{node[‘mysql’][‘ebs_data_dir’]} #{node[‘mysql’][‘data_dir’]} none bind")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node[‘mysql’][‘ebs_binlog_dir’]} /,
"#{node[‘mysql’][‘ebs_binlog_dir’]} #{node[‘mysql’][‘data_dir’]} none bind")
notifies :run, “execute[mount_all]”, :immediately
However, this only adds the first insert_line_if_no_match into the file. I
confirmed this by removing the first command and it inserted the second one.
Is this by design? Am I really not supposed to run multiple
insert_line_if_no_match commands in one block on one file?
I'm trying to use the FileEdit util to modify my fstab, but it doesn't seem to work as expected.
This is essentially my code:
ruby_block "setup fstab" do
not_if "cat /etc/fstab | grep #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} > /dev/null"
block do
f = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/fstab')
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} #{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} /, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none bind")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} /, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none bind")
notifies :run, "execute[mount_all]", :immediately
However, this only adds the first insert_line_if_no_match into the file. I confirmed this by removing the first command and it inserted the second one.
Is this by design? Am I really not supposed to run multiple insert_line_if_no_match commands in one block on one file?
Chef::Util::FileEdit is a bit tricky and it must be the last option to
be used. I do use it myself sometimes, but I try to replace it with
templates or proper idempotence resources as soon as I can.
And for your case (/etc/fstab), there is already a resource to manage
the mount points that you may want to use:
I'm trying to use the FileEdit util to modify my fstab, but it doesn't seem to work as expected.
This is essentially my code:
ruby_block "setup fstab" do
not_if "cat /etc/fstab | grep #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} > /dev/null"
block do
f = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/fstab')
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} #{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} /, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none bind")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} /, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none bind")
notifies :run, "execute[mount_all]", :immediately
However, this only adds the first insert_line_if_no_match into the file. I confirmed this by removing the first command and it inserted the second one.
Is this by design? Am I really not supposed to run multiple insert_line_if_no_match commands in one block on one file?
I've had to do this a lot recently starting to set up our base builds as we
move to chef. I've just used embedded bash scripts to get the results I've
needed. This is just taking an example from you original email, please
check for typos and such before using it. I wrote it out in this email, so
it's completely untested.
bash "update_fstab" do
code <<-EOH
EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK = $(grep '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /'
/etc/fstab | wc -l)
if [ $EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK -lt 0 ]; then
echo '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} #{node['mysql']['mount_point']}
#{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0' >> /ec/fstab
You'd want to update the code block for each instance. I used this to
manage files fstab, hosts and such. Albeit I'm much more comfortable with
bash than ruby.
I'm trying to use the FileEdit util to modify my fstab, but it doesn't
seem to work as expected.
This is essentially my code:
ruby_block "setup fstab" do
not_if "cat /etc/fstab | grep #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} >
block do
f = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/fstab')
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} #{node['mysql']['mount_point']}
#{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none bind")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none bind")
notifies :run, "execute[mount_all]", :immediately
However, this only adds the first insert_line_if_no_match into the file.
I confirmed this by removing the first command and it inserted the second
Is this by design? Am I really not supposed to run multiple
insert_line_if_no_match commands in one block on one file?
I've had to do this a lot recently starting to set up our base builds as
we move to chef. I've just used embedded bash scripts to get the results
I've needed. This is just taking an example from you original email, please
check for typos and such before using it. I wrote it out in this email, so
it's completely untested.
bash "update_fstab" do
code <<-EOH
EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK = $(grep '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /'
/etc/fstab | wc -l)
if [ $EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK -lt 0 ]; then
echo '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']}
#{node['mysql']['mount_point']} #{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0'
You'd want to update the code block for each instance. I used this to
manage files fstab, hosts and such. Albeit I'm much more comfortable with
bash than ruby.
I'm trying to use the FileEdit util to modify my fstab, but it doesn't
seem to work as expected.
This is essentially my code:
ruby_block "setup fstab" do
not_if "cat /etc/fstab | grep #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} >
block do
f = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/fstab')
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} #{node['mysql']['mount_point']}
#{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none bind")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none bind")
notifies :run, "execute[mount_all]", :immediately
However, this only adds the first insert_line_if_no_match into the
file. I confirmed this by removing the first command and it inserted the
second one.
Is this by design? Am I really not supposed to run multiple
insert_line_if_no_match commands in one block on one file?
About the mount resource:
This was some time ago, but I couldn't get the mount resource to create an
fstab entry. My action is "action [:mount, :enable]", but it doesn't seem
to do anything to the fstab. I haven't tried to debug it in a while, I'll
dig into it and see what was the problem that led me to use FileEdit.
If it helps, what I'm mounting is an amazon EBS volume with non-default
formatting (xfs), attached to my instance during runtime by the right-aws
I've had to do this a lot recently starting to set up our base builds as
we move to chef. I've just used embedded bash scripts to get the results
I've needed. This is just taking an example from you original email, please
check for typos and such before using it. I wrote it out in this email, so
it's completely untested.
bash "update_fstab" do
code <<-EOH
EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK = $(grep '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /'
/etc/fstab | wc -l)
if [ $EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK -lt 0 ]; then
echo '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']}
#{node['mysql']['mount_point']} #{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0'
You'd want to update the code block for each instance. I used this to
manage files fstab, hosts and such. Albeit I'm much more comfortable with
bash than ruby.
I'm trying to use the FileEdit util to modify my fstab, but it doesn't
seem to work as expected.
This is essentially my code:
ruby_block "setup fstab" do
not_if "cat /etc/fstab | grep #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} >
block do
f = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/fstab')
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} #{node['mysql']['mount_point']}
#{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none bind")
/, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none
notifies :run, "execute[mount_all]", :immediately
However, this only adds the first insert_line_if_no_match into the
file. I confirmed this by removing the first command and it inserted the
second one.
Is this by design? Am I really not supposed to run multiple
insert_line_if_no_match commands in one block on one file?
Also look at the line cookbook http://ckbk.it/line that wraps that patterns
in a way that is somewhat easier to use.
On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 6:10 AM, Prajwal Manjunath prajwal@elitmus.comwrote:
About the mount resource:
This was some time ago, but I couldn't get the mount resource to create an
fstab entry. My action is "action [:mount, :enable]", but it doesn't seem
to do anything to the fstab. I haven't tried to debug it in a while, I'll
dig into it and see what was the problem that led me to use FileEdit.
If it helps, what I'm mounting is an amazon EBS volume with non-default
formatting (xfs), attached to my instance during runtime by the right-aws
I've had to do this a lot recently starting to set up our base builds as
we move to chef. I've just used embedded bash scripts to get the results
I've needed. This is just taking an example from you original email, please
check for typos and such before using it. I wrote it out in this email, so
it's completely untested.
bash "update_fstab" do
code <<-EOH
EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK = $(grep '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /'
/etc/fstab | wc -l)
if [ $EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK -lt 0 ]; then
echo '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']}
#{node['mysql']['mount_point']} #{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0'
You'd want to update the code block for each instance. I used this to
manage files fstab, hosts and such. Albeit I'm much more comfortable with
bash than ruby.
I'm trying to use the FileEdit util to modify my fstab, but it
doesn't seem to work as expected.
This is essentially my code:
ruby_block "setup fstab" do
not_if "cat /etc/fstab | grep #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} >
block do
f = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/fstab')
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} #{node['mysql']['mount_point']}
#{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0")
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none bind")
/, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none
notifies :run, "execute[mount_all]", :immediately
However, this only adds the first insert_line_if_no_match into the
file. I confirmed this by removing the first command and it inserted the
second one.
Is this by design? Am I really not supposed to run multiple
insert_line_if_no_match commands in one block on one file?
The methode 'insert_line_if_no_match(...)' calls only the private one 'search_match(...)' with the right parameters. This methode makes his changes only in the variable 'contents'. Try to make a 'f.write_file' after every call of 'insert_line_if_no_match(...)'.
About the mount resource:
This was some time ago, but I couldn't get the mount resource to create an
fstab entry. My action is "action [:mount, :enable]", but it doesn't seem
to do anything to the fstab. I haven't tried to debug it in a while, I'll
dig into it and see what was the problem that led me to use FileEdit.
If it helps, what I'm mounting is an amazon EBS volume with non-default
formatting (xfs), attached to my instance during runtime by the right-aws
I've had to do this a lot recently starting to set up our base builds
we move to chef. I've just used embedded bash scripts to get the
I've needed. This is just taking an example from you original email,
check for typos and such before using it. I wrote it out in this email,
it's completely untested.
bash "update_fstab" do
code <<-EOH
EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK = $(grep '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /'
/etc/fstab | wc -l)
if [ $EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK -lt 0 ]; then
echo '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']}
#{node['mysql']['mount_point']} #{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime
0 0'
You'd want to update the code block for each instance. I used this to
manage files fstab, hosts and such. Albeit I'm much more comfortable
bash than ruby.
I'm trying to use the FileEdit util to modify my fstab, but it
seem to work as expected.
This is essentially my code:
ruby_block "setup fstab" do
not_if "cat /etc/fstab | grep #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} >
block do
f = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/fstab')
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} #{node['mysql']['mount_point']}
#{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0")
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none
/, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']}
notifies :run, "execute[mount_all]", :immediately
However, this only adds the first insert_line_if_no_match into the
file. I confirmed this by removing the first command and it inserted
second one.
Is this by design? Am I really not supposed to run multiple
insert_line_if_no_match commands in one block on one file?
The methode 'insert_line_if_no_match(...)' calls only the private one 'search_match(...)' with the right parameters. This methode makes his changes only in the variable 'contents'. Try to make a 'f.write_file' after every call of 'insert_line_if_no_match(...)'.
About the mount resource:
This was some time ago, but I couldn't get the mount resource to create an
fstab entry. My action is "action [:mount, :enable]", but it doesn't seem
to do anything to the fstab. I haven't tried to debug it in a while, I'll
dig into it and see what was the problem that led me to use FileEdit.
If it helps, what I'm mounting is an amazon EBS volume with non-default
formatting (xfs), attached to my instance during runtime by the right-aws
I've had to do this a lot recently starting to set up our base builds
we move to chef. I've just used embedded bash scripts to get the
I've needed. This is just taking an example from you original email,
check for typos and such before using it. I wrote it out in this email,
it's completely untested.
bash "update_fstab" do
code <<-EOH
EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK = $(grep '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /'
/etc/fstab | wc -l)
if [ $EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK -lt 0 ]; then
echo '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']}
#{node['mysql']['mount_point']} #{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime
0 0'
You'd want to update the code block for each instance. I used this to
manage files fstab, hosts and such. Albeit I'm much more comfortable
bash than ruby.
I'm trying to use the FileEdit util to modify my fstab, but it
seem to work as expected.
This is essentially my code:
ruby_block "setup fstab" do
not_if "cat /etc/fstab | grep #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} >
block do
f = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/fstab')
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} #{node['mysql']['mount_point']}
#{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0")
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none
/, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']}
notifies :run, "execute[mount_all]", :immediately
However, this only adds the first insert_line_if_no_match into the
file. I confirmed this by removing the first command and it inserted
second one.
Is this by design? Am I really not supposed to run multiple
insert_line_if_no_match commands in one block on one file?
The methode 'insert_line_if_no_match(...)' calls only the private one 'search_match(...)' with the right parameters. This methode makes his changes only in the variable 'contents'. Try to make a 'f.write_file' after every call of 'insert_line_if_no_match(...)'.
About the mount resource:
This was some time ago, but I couldn't get the mount resource to create an
fstab entry. My action is "action [:mount, :enable]", but it doesn't seem
to do anything to the fstab. I haven't tried to debug it in a while, I'll
dig into it and see what was the problem that led me to use FileEdit.
If it helps, what I'm mounting is an amazon EBS volume with non-default
formatting (xfs), attached to my instance during runtime by the right-aws
I've had to do this a lot recently starting to set up our base builds
we move to chef. I've just used embedded bash scripts to get the
I've needed. This is just taking an example from you original email,
check for typos and such before using it. I wrote it out in this email,
it's completely untested.
bash "update_fstab" do
code <<-EOH
EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK = $(grep '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /'
/etc/fstab | wc -l)
if [ $EBS_VOL_DEV_CHECK -lt 0 ]; then
echo '#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']}
#{node['mysql']['mount_point']} #{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime
0 0'
You'd want to update the code block for each instance. I used this to
manage files fstab, hosts and such. Albeit I'm much more comfortable
bash than ruby.
I'm trying to use the FileEdit util to modify my fstab, but it
seem to work as expected.
This is essentially my code:
ruby_block "setup fstab" do
not_if "cat /etc/fstab | grep #{node['mysql']['mount_point']} >
block do
f = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/fstab')
f.insert_line_if_no_match(/^#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} /,
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_vol_dev']} #{node['mysql']['mount_point']}
#{node['mysql']['formatting']} noatime 0 0")
"#{node['mysql']['ebs_data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} none
/, "#{node['mysql']['ebs_binlog_dir']} #{node['mysql']['data_dir']}
notifies :run, "execute[mount_all]", :immediately
However, this only adds the first insert_line_if_no_match into the
file. I confirmed this by removing the first command and it inserted
second one.
Is this by design? Am I really not supposed to run multiple
insert_line_if_no_match commands in one block on one file?